Step 6: Define Reporting Options - GeoTAX_Premium - 7.7

GeoTAX Premium for Windows, UNIX/Linux, and z/OS

Product type
Product family
Geo Addressing
GeoTAX Premium
Product name
GeoTAX Premium
GeoTAX Premium for Windows, UNIX/Linux, and z/OS
First publish date

You can print several optional reports with GeoTAX in addition to those printed automatically. You can also determine some of the format options for your reports.

Defining Which Reports to Print

The following required reports are printed automatically for every job:

  • Parameter Record Listing (.RPT)

  • Execution Log (.XLG)

  • Control Totals (.RPT) - For details on the report contents, see Control Totals Report.

Use the REPORT parameter record to print or suppress the following reports:

  • Coding Percentages per State/County

  • Coding Percentages per State

  • Jurisdictional Accuracy Management System (JAMS) Report

Note: The default is to print the coding percentage reports for your job. Unless you want to suppress any of these, you do not need to include a REPORT parameter record in your job.

The JAMS report automatically presents the results of running the State-supplied address list test data through GeoTAX as part of the certification process. Organizations that collect and disburse sales and use taxes can use the JAMS report results to submit to the State Department of Revenue as part of the certification process. For information on printing the JAMS report, see the REPORT parameter record.

Defining Report Formats

While the format for the body of all reports is internally set by GeoTAX, you can control the layout and content of the headers and footers of the reports as well as the number of lines that are printed on each report page. You write parameter records to accomplish the following report formatting:

  • Control the main header

  • Control the additional header

  • Control the footer

  • Specify the number of lines per page

Headers and Footers

There are two kinds of headers and one kind of footer on all GeoTAX reports. The types of headers are:

  • Main Header—Generated according to your specifications on the HEADER parameter, this single-line header includes a date (either the system date or another date you specify) and/or up to 40 characters of text. This header line appears just above the main body of the report page.

  • User Header—Generated according to your specifications on the UHDxx parameter, this header can comprise up to four lines of text. Each line can contain up to 132 characters. These lines are printed above the main header.

The single type of footer is a user footer. The footer is generated according to your specifications in the UFTxx parameter and can comprise up to four lines of text. Each line can contain up to 132 characters. These lines are printed below the body of the report page.

For example, a report with all lines of all headers and footers defined is formatted as follows:

User Header Line 1
User Header Line 2
User Header Line 3
User Header Line 4
Main Header
Body of Report
User Footer Line 1
User Footer Line 2
User Footer Line 3
User Footer Line 4
The setup for a user header, footer and main header in the parameter reference file is shown in the highlighted area in the example screenshot below.

Lines per Page

You can also specify the number of lines to print on each report page by defining the PAGESZ parameter card.