Matching address ranges - GeoTAX_Premium - 7.7

GeoTAX Premium for Windows, UNIX/Linux, and z/OS

Product type
Product family
Geo Addressing
GeoTAX Premium
Product name
GeoTAX Premium
GeoTAX Premium for Windows, UNIX/Linux, and z/OS
First publish date

Some business locations are identified by address ranges. For example, a shopping plaza could be addressed as 10-12 Front St.; this is how business mail is typically addressed to such a business location. These address ranges can be geocoded to the interpolated mid-point of the range.

Address ranges are different from hyphenated (dashed) addresses that occur in some metropolitan areas. For example, a hyphenated address in Queens County (New York City) could be 243-20 147 Ave. This represents a single residence (rather than an address range) and is geocoded as a single address. If a hyphenated address similar to this example returns as an exact match, then there is no attempt to address range match.

Address range matching is disabled by default and is an optional mode. Address range matching is not available in Exact mode, since an address range is not an actual, mailable USPS® address.

Use the following to enable matching with address ranges:

Batch Processing

Use the Address Range Option field in the CONFIG parameter card.

Integrator Series API

Use the cAddressRangeOpt element in the GTXINPUT parameter structure prior to calling GTXMatchAddress.

Callable Functions

Use MCA-ADDRESS-RANGE-OPT in the Matcher Control Area prior to Calling the GTMATCH program.

Address Range matching capabilities and guidelines

Address Range matching works within the following guidelines:

  • There must be two numbers separated by a hyphen.

  • The first number must be lower than the second number.

  • Both numbers must be of the same parity (odd or even).

  • Numbers can be on the same street segment or can be on two different segments. The segments do not have to be contiguous.

  • If both numbers are on the same street segment, the geocoded point is interpolated to the approximate mid-point of the range.

  • If the numbers are on two different segments, the geocoded point is based on the last valid house number of the first segment. The ZIP Code and FIPS Code are based on the first segment.

  • In all cases, odd/even parity is evaluated to place the point on the correct side of the street.

A close match to a single address number is preferred over a ranged address match. GeoTAX attempts a close match on the recombined address number before making a ranged match, as seen in the following example:

Input:      4750-4760 Walnut St, Boulder, COOutput:   4750-4760 WALNUT ST, BOULDER, CO 80301

The Address Range match is to a single street segment, with the geocode being placed on the mid-point of the range.

Input:     47-50 Walnut St, Boulder, COOutput:  4750 WALNUT ST, BOULDER, CO 80301-2532

In the example below, the second number is not larger than the first, so GeoTAX treats this as a unit number rather than a ranged address:

Input:     4750-200 Walnut St, Boulder, COOutput:  4750 WALNUT ST STE 200, BOULDER, CO 80301-2532