Upgrading from 3.4.3 or later - Data360_Analyze - 3.12

Data360 Analyze Server Installation

Product type
Product family
Data360 Analyze
Product name
Data360 Analyze
Data360 Analyze Server Installation
First publish date

If you have an existing installation of Data360 Analyze and want to upgrade, you can choose one of the following options:

  • Run an "in place upgrade" to replace your existing installation with the new version, see In place upgrade.

    - or -

  • Run a "side by side upgrade" to keep your existing installation and install the latest version on another machine, enabling you to have two systems running side by side, see Side by side upgrade.
Note: If you are upgrading from 3.10.1 or higher, or 3.8.5 or higher on the 3.8.X series, any previously configured SSL settings are maintained across the upgrade. However, if you are upgrading from an earlier version you must reconfigure your SSL settings when the upgrade is complete.

In place upgrade

  1. Before upgrading, ensure that you have a copy of a recent backup file. By default, a backup is performed daily at 2:00 a.m (if Data360 Analyze is running), and the twenty most recent backups are saved in the Data360 Analyze data directory that you specified when you first installed Data360 Analyze, for example: C:\Users\<username>\Data360 Analyze\data-7731 on Windows or /home/<user>/Data360 Analyze/data-7731 on Linux.
    Note: The backup / restore facility can only be used to restore your system to a previously known state on the same version. For example, if you are installing Data360 Analyze 3.4.3, you can only restore to a backup file that was created on a 3.4.3 installation.

    In addition, take a copy of these folders:

    • <Data360 Analyze site directory>/conf which contains your cust.prop file and license file, for example: C:\Users\<username>\Data360 Analyze\site-7731\conf on Windows or /home/<user>/Data360 Analyze/site-7731/conf on Linux.
    • <Data360 Analyze site directory>/lib - You only need to copy this folder if you have added any custom JAR files.
    • <Data360Analyze site directory>/shared which is the default location for uploading and downloading files to and from the server.
    • <Data360Analyze site directory>/keystores
    • <Data360Analyze site directory>/cust-keystores
  2. Caution: Ensure that there are no instances of Data360 Analyze running on the machine, see Starting and stopping the Data360 Analyze Server.
  3. Consider turning off any anti-virus software that may interrupt the installation process.
  4. Download the software from: https://www.precisely.com/product/precisely-data360/data360-analyze
  5. Linux users: If you have configured a multi-user installation, run this command to grant the installer user the correct access rights for the install: sudo <installDir>/bin/grantInstallerPermissions.sh

  6. Install Data360 Analyze:

    Windows Server: You must have administrative privileges to run the installation. Right-click the application installation file and select Run as administrator.

    Linux: The user that was created in the pre-installation step should be logged onto the computer.

    Start the installation by typing the following command, where <Data360 Analyze installer> is replaced with the name of the installer for example, Data360 Analyze_3_8_4-Server-linux-x86-64 (note that if no GUI is available, the installer will fall back to a command line install):

    ./<Data360 Analyze installer>.sh

    The installer will guide you through the upgrade step by step. The key steps are called out below.

  7. You will be prompted to choose where to install Data360 Analyze. Select Yes, update the existing installation to uninstall the previous version of Data360 Analyze before installing the latest version in the same location.
  8. The upgrade process creates a backup of the Data360 Analyze site configuration directory and the data directory that you specified when you first installed Data360 Analyze. By default, temporary execution data is included in this backup if it is stored in the default <Data360 Analyze data directory>\executions folder. This is temporary data that is created when nodes run and can become very large over time, therefore it is recommended that you only select Backup temporary execution data if sufficient space is available. If your temporary data is stored outside of the default location, it will not be included in the backup.
  9. Linux users: If you have upgraded an installation which was previously configured for multi-user installation, run this command to re-establish the correct permissions for the various OS users: sudo <installDir>/bin/restoreGroupConf.sh

    If you have upgraded an installation which was not previously configured for multi-user installation, and you now want to configure it for multi-user installation, complete the following additional steps. It is recommended that you complete these steps immediately after installation. The users referred to in these steps are detailed in Pre-installation steps (Linux only). If you have not created users in advance, the script referenced below will create the users for you:

    1. Go to your Data360 Analyze installation directory.
    2. As the <myInstall> user, run the following command: sudo bin/groupConf.sh
    3. Follow the prompts. You will need to enter user and group names for the following:
      • The name of the installer user
      • The name of the Postgres database user
      • The name of the Data360 Analyze O/S administrator users and the group for these administrators, in the following format: <adminUser1>[,<adminUser2>,...]/<adminUserGroup> The admin users group is referred to as <d3saAdmins> in this document. The <myAdmins> users will belong to this group.
      • The name of the Data360 Analyze server user and the group for the Data360 Analyze user, in the following format: <serverUser>/<serverGroup> The Data360 Analyze server users group is referred to in this document as <d3saProc>. The <myProc> user will belong to this group. If you want to configure execution sandboxing with Docker containers, the user that will run the Data360 Analyze server must be in the Dockers group and this must be configured separately.
      • The name of the Data360 Analyze web application user and the group for the web application user, in the following format: <webUser>/<webGroup> The Data360 Analyze web application users group is referred to as <d3saWeb> in this document. The <myWeb> user will belong to this group.
      • The name of the Data360 Analyze shared data group used for accessing shared data. The shared data group is referred to as <d3saShared> in this document. Both <myWeb> and <myProc> will belong to this group.

      If you had not created users in advance, you will be prompted to enter passwords as they are created.

    4. After the script has completed, switch to the <myDba> user by running the following command: su <myDba>
    5. Ensure that you are in the Data360 Analyze installation directory by running the following command: cd <installDir>
    6. Start the Postgres database by running the following command: bin/startData360AnalyzePostgresDb.sh
    7. Switch to the <myProc> user by running the following command: su <myProc>
    8. Start the Data360 Analyze server by running the following command: bin/startData360AnalyzeExecutionServer.sh
    9. Switch to the <myWeb> user by running the following command: su <myWeb>
    10. Start the web application by running the following command: bin/startData360AnalyzeTomcatServer.sh
  10. If you are using execution sandboxing features, re-run the laeConfig executionContainers enable script as per the installation instructions in the system administration section of the help.

  11. Launch Data360 Analyze, see Launching the software and accessing help.

The installer will use your existing license to complete the upgrade process. If at any point after installation you want to apply a new license, you can do this by selecting Licensing from the Help menu in the top right corner of the Data360 Analyze screen. For more information on applying a new license, see the integrated product help.

The installer will deploy all Data360 Analyze components on the same machine (web application, hosting app server, Data360 Analyze server and database). The settings that you specified when you first installed Data360 Analyze will be reused, including the site configuration directory, data directory, port numbers, and security store settings.

See Post-installation configuration for a list of additional configuration steps to complete after installation. If you are upgrading from 3.10.1 or higher, or 3.8.5 or higher on the 3.8.X series, any previously configured SSL settings are maintained across the upgrade. However, if you are upgrading from an earlier version you must reconfigure your SSL settings when the upgrade is complete.

Side by side upgrade

  1. Make a copy of the following folders:
    • Data directory, for example: C:\Users\<username>\Data360 Analyze\data-7731
    • Site directory, for example: C:\Users\<username>\Data360 Analyze\site-7731
    Note: Save a copy of these folders on another machine in the same path location as on the original machine.

    You may need to edit some of the property paths in the site/conf/cust.prop file to suit the new location.

  2. Consider turning off any anti-virus software that may interrupt the installation process.
  3. Download the software from: https://www.precisely.com/product/precisely-data360/data360-analyze

    Install the new version of Data360 Analyze on a different machine to your existing installation. Caution: Ensure that there are no instances of Data360 Analyze running on the machine, see Starting and stopping the Data360 Analyze Server.

  4. Install Data360 Analyze:

    Windows Server: You must have administrative privileges to run the installation. Right-click the application installation file and select Run as administrator.

    Linux: The user that was created in the pre-installation step should be logged onto the computer.

    Start the installation by typing the following command, where <Data360 Analyze installer> is replaced with the name of the installer e.g. Data360 Analyze_3_6_0-Server-linux-x86-64 (note that if no GUI is available, the installer will fall back to a command line install):

    ./<Data360 Analyze installer>.sh

    The installer will guide you through the upgrade step by step. The key steps are called out below.

  5. When asked to provide a location for the Site Configuration Directory and the Data Directory, for each of the directories, click Browse and navigate to the parent folder location of the folders that you copied in step 1.
  6. Linux users: If you want to configure a multi-user installation, complete the following additional steps. It is recommended that you complete these steps immediately after installation. The users referred to in these steps are detailed in Pre-installation steps (Linux only). If you have not created users in advance, the script referenced below will create the users for you:
    1. Navigate to your Data360 Analyze installation directory.
    2. As the <myInstall> user, run the following command: sudo bin/groupConf.sh
    3. Follow the prompts. You will need to enter user and group names for the following:
      • The name of the installer user
      • The name of the Postgres database user
      • The name of the Data360 Analyze O/S administrator users and the group for these administrators, in the following format: <adminUser1>[,<adminUser2>,...]/<adminUserGroup> The admin users group is referred to as <d3saAdmins> in this document. The <myAdmins> users will belong to this group.
      • The name of the Data360 Analyze server user and the group for the Data360 Analyze user, in the following format: <serverUser>/<serverGroup> The Data360 Analyze server users group is referred to in this document as <d3saProc>. The <myProc> user will belong to this group. If you want to configure execution sandboxing with Docker containers, the user that will run the Data360 Analyze server must be in the Dockers group and this must be configured separately.
      • The name of the Data360 Analyze web application user and the group for the web application user, in the following format: <webUser>/<webGroup> The Data360 Analyze web application users group is referred to as <d3saWeb> in this document. The <myWeb> user will belong to this group.
      • The name of the Data360 Analyze shared data group used for accessing shared data. The shared data group is referred to as <d3saShared> in this document. Both <myWeb> and <myProc> will belong to this group.

      If you had not created users in advance, you will be prompted to enter passwords as they are created.

    4. After the script has completed, switch to the <myDba> user by running the following command: su <myDba>
    5. Ensure that you are in the Data360 Analyze installation directory by running the following command: cd <installDir>
    6. Start the Postgres database by running the following command: bin/startData360AnalyzePostgresDb.sh
    7. Switch to the <myProc> user by running the following command: su <myProc>
    8. Start the Data360 Analyze server by running the following command: bin/startData360AnalyzeExecutionServer.sh
    9. Switch to the <myWeb> user by running the following command: su <myWeb>
    10. Start the web application by running the following command: bin/startData360AnalyzeTomcatServer.sh
  7. If you are using execution sandboxing features, re-run the laeConfig executionContainers enable script as per the installation instructions in the system administration section of the help.

  8. Launch Data360 Analyze, see Launching the software and accessing help.

See Post-installation configuration for a list of additional configuration steps to complete after installation. If you are upgrading from 3.10.1 or higher, or 3.8.5 or higher on the 3.8.X series, any previously configured SSL settings are maintained across the upgrade. However, if you are upgrading from an earlier version you must reconfigure your SSL settings when the upgrade is complete.