Task definition command options usage summary - Connect_ETL - 9.13

Connect ETL Data Transformation Language (DTL) Guide

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Connect > Connect (ETL, Sort, AppMod, Big Data)
Product name
Connect ETL
Connect ETL Data Transformation Language (DTL) Guide
First publish date

The following task definition command option categories and the options that constitute these categories can be used with any task type:

Additional Task Specific Command Options also exist for the following task types:

Task and Performance Setting Command Options

Task and performance setting command options allow for the definition of the task definition file and for the inclusion of performance settings that optimize data processing.

Consider the following task and performance setting command options:

/OPTION Description
/DTL Indicates the use of DTL and DTL syntax requirements.
/END Terminates the task definition.
/TASKTYPE Enables the definition of one of the following Connect ETL task types: aggregate, copy, join, merge, sort. One /TASKTYPE option is required per task definition.
/LOGOPTIONS Enables control over the amount of task information that is output
/TASKDOCUMENTATION Includes documentation for the task.
/MEMORY Enables changing the amount of memory Connect ETL allocates for data storage.
/INMAXRECORDLENGTH Specifies the maximum record length per task for all input records.
/NOPROMPT Disables Connect ETL prompt display.
/NULLIF Specifies that empty fields are treated as NULL.
/PADBYTE Pads short records and keys of short records with user-defined characters.

Allows for the specification of a directory, combination of directories, or a scratch directory for temporary files.

/WORKSPACE option is applicable to aggregate, join, merge, and sort tasks; this option does not apply to copy tasks.

Source and Target Command Options

Source and target command options enable the definition and processing of Connect ETL input and output.

Consider the following source and target -specific task command options:

/OPTION Description
/DATASIZE Specifies the amount of data released to Connect ETL after all input record processing.

/DBINPUT Defines a database table as a source of records.

/DBDATA defines a database table as an auxiliary source such as a lookup source.


Writes output to database tables.

Writes database data in multi-byte locale as well as Unicode encodings.

/INBUFFER Defines an in-memory table that is populated by a program as a source of records.

/INFILE defines a file as a source of records.

/FILE option defines an auxiliary data file such as a lookup source file or an input parameter file.

/INPIPE Defines a pipe as a source of records.
/INPROCEDURE Defines a procedure within a program as a source of records
MQFIELDSEXTRACT Defines the format of the data extracted from fields in a message.
/MQINPUT Defines a message queue as a source of records.
/MQOUTPUT Defines a message queue as a target of records.
/OUTBUFFER Defines an in-memory table, which is called by a program that populates it as a target for records.
/OUTFILE Specifies a file as a target for records.
/OUTPIPE Specifies a pipe as a target for records.
/OUTPROCEDURE Defines a procedure within a program as a target of records
/PARTITION To define a partition scheme that can be applied to a target.
/SFDCFIELDSEXTRACT Defines the format of the data extracted from fields in a Salesforce.com object.

/SFDCINPUT defines a Salesforce.com object as a source of records.

/SFDCDATA defines a Salesforce.com object as an auxiliary source such as a lookup source.

SFDCOUTPUT Defines a Salesforce.com object as a target of records.

Record Transformation Command Options

Record filtering command options allow for the determination and retention of records that satisfy conditions for further processing.

Record reformatting command options allow for the definition of a value from the contents of other source fields, values, and constants and to redefine the layout of target records.

Consider the following record filtering and reformat-specific task command options:

/OPTION Description

Includes or omits records based on conditions or the source from which the records come.

Processes or skips a specified number of records. Eliminates blank records.

/REFORMAT Allows for the definition of output record layouts by editing, inserting, and removing fields and by format conversion. Allows mapping to existing record layouts and creating layouts that depend on other layouts.

Metadata Command Options

Metadata command options allow for the processing of data that provides information about one or more aspects of the data.

Consider the following metadata task command options:

/OPTION Description
/CONDITION Defines a condition for selection of records or for assignment of different values to a field.
/COLLATINGSEQUENCE Sets a default collating sequence or to define a custom collating sequence for the task.
/RECORDLAYOUT Defines the layout of the input record in terms of consecutive fields.
/DELIMITEDRECORDLAYOUT Defines the layout of the input records in terms of named consecutive delimited fields.
/DATADICTIONARY Specifies the location of external metadata.
/DBCONNECTION Defines a database server and the user information for connecting to it.
/HCATCONNECTION Defines an HCatalog server and the user information for connecting to it.
/SERVERCONNECTION Establishes a connection to a remote server.
SFDCCONNECTION Defines a Salesforce.com organization and the user information for connecting to it.
/MQCONNECTION Defines a message queue server and the user information for connecting to it.
/VALUE Derives a value from the contents of other source fields, values, and/or constants.

Task Specific Command Options

In addition to the task and performance setting, source and target, record transformation, and metadata command options that are available to all task types, additional task definition command options are available exclusively to aggregate, join, merge, and sort tasks.

Aggregate Tasks

Consider the following additional task definition command options, which are available to aggregate tasks only:

/OPTION Description
/GROUPBY Enables the grouping of source records based on specified fields and values.
/SUMMARY Enables the definition and customization of a named summarized value computation.

See Aggregate Task Definition File Example.

Copy Tasks

Additional task definition command options do not exist for copy tasks.

See Copy Task Definition File Example.

Join Tasks

Consider the following additional task definition command option, which is available to join tasks only:

/OPTION Description
/JOINKEYS Enables the specification of fields that are used to join records from one side of a join task with records from the other side of the join task. One /JOINKEYS option is required per side.

See Join Task Definition File Example.

Merge and Sort Tasks

Consider the following additional task definition command option, which is available to merge and sort tasks only:

/OPTION Description
/KEYS Enables the specification of key fields used for sequencing/organizing input records for sort and merge tasks.
/STABLE Indicates that the order of equal-keyed records is to be maintained.

See Merge Task Definition File Example and Sort Task Definition File Example.