Connect ETL Data Transformation Language (DTL) Guide

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Connect > Connect (ETL, Sort, AppMod, Big Data)
Product name
Connect ETL
Connect ETL Data Transformation Language (DTL) Guide
First publish date


To define the format of the data extracted from fields in a Salesforce.com object.


/SFDCFIELDSEXTRACT OBJECT object_name extracted_field [,extracted_field...]


extracted_field = fieldname [extract_option...]
extract_option = {EXTRACTAS dataspec [ENCODING encoding] [TREATAS ASCII]} {NULLABLE|NOTNULLABLE } {ALIAS alias }
dataspec = {datatype [length]} {length datatype}
datatype = {[CHARACTER] } {numeric_format } {DATETIME (datetime_pattern)} {BIT } {LOB [filename] }


object_name The name or alias of a source Salesforce.com object defined in a /SFDCINPUT option.
fieldname the name of a field that will be extracted from the object. The name can be in the form of a string or identifier. An identifier and a string must adhere to the rules described for an identifier. For a summary of valid naming and formatting conventions for identifiers and constants, see Syntax reference in the Connect help.

The scheme used for encoding extracted CHARACTER and national character (such as NCHAR or NVARCHAR2) field data. It specifies the character encoding in which the text data will be extracted. If necessary, the text data will be converted to the specified encoding.

See Connect ETL data types/Text data type in the Connect help for a list of the valid values. The available EXTRACTAS object-level encoding argument is ENCODING DYNAMIC. If the EXTRACTAS encoding is not defined within the /SFDCFIELDSEXTRACT option, the extracted character encoding defaults to the mandatory object-level encoding defined by /SFDCINPUT, which is ENCODING DYNAMIC.


A name you assign to the extracted Salesforce.com field. You can use this alias name to reference the field from other options. The name assigned to an extracted Salesforce.com object field must adhere to the rules described for an identifier. For a summary of valid naming and formatting conventions for identifiers and constants, see Syntax reference in the Connect help.

When you define an alias for a Salesforce.com object field, only reference the field through the alias; you can no longer reference the column name directly in other options.


The length of the extracted field. The length is in bytes for all supported data types and does not include the length of the null indicator. The acceptable values for the length of an extracted field with one of the recognized data types can be found in the appropriate topic under Data types reference/DBMS data types in the Connect help. The length may be omitted when the datatype is DFLOAT or FLOAT, as DFLOAT and FLOAT have default lengths. To extract a VARCHAR column as a variable length field, omit the data type and length.

For a LOB column, the length is the number of bytes in the LOB file names. Connect ETL will calculate the exact length required, so it is recommended to omit the length unless an explicit length is required. Note that if the specified length is shorter than the required one, Connect ETL will automatically increase it to the required length.

numeric_format The format of the numeric data extracted from the field. See the appropriate topic under Data types reference/DBMS data types in the Connect help.

A mask that describes the layout of an extracted date/time field.

For a summary of valid naming and formatting conventions for identifiers and constants, see Syntax reference in the Connect help.

filename Prefix for the name of the file where the LOB data is to be stored. It must be a constant string. If it is specified, LOB data values will be written to files named <filename>_<rownumber>. If it is omitted, a default name is generated, and the files are written to the workspace directory.


The option may appear anywhere in the task definition.