/SFDCCONNECTION - Connect_ETL - 9.13

Connect ETL Data Transformation Language (DTL) Guide

Product type
Product family
Connect > Connect (ETL, Sort, AppMod, Big Data)
Product name
Connect ETL
Connect ETL Data Transformation Language (DTL) Guide
First publish date


To define a Salesforce.com organization and the user information for connecting to it.


/SFDCCONNECTION service_url ALIAS alias connection_option


connection_option = {USER|REPOSITORY|CYBERARK|AZUREVAULT} usernamepassword


service_url The URL of the Salesforce.com organization you want to access.

a name you assign to the Salesforce.com connection, which you will use to reference the connection in other options. The name assigned to this connection must adhere to the rules described for an identifier. For a summary of valid naming and formatting conventions for identifiers and constants, see Syntax reference in the Connect help.

When you do not assign an alias, use the service_url argument to refer to the connection in other options. When you define an alias for the connection, reference the connection only through the alias; you can no longer reference the database name directly in other options.

username The username under which to connect to the Salesforce.com organization. The username must be in the form of a string, which you can provide in any valid format. For a summary of valid naming and formatting conventions for identifiers and constants, see Syntax reference in the Connect help.

The password to authenticate the connection for username. The password must be in the form of a string, which you can provide in any valid format. For a summary of valid naming and formatting conventions for identifiers and constants, see Syntax reference in the Connect help.

To use a Repository password, specify REPOSITORY, and enter a password variable for the password. Create password variables using the Connect ETL repository manager as described in the Connect help. Note that you must define the password variable on the same system on which, and as the same user by whom, this command application will be run. At runtime, Connect ETL will retrieve the password associated with the specified variable from the repository. A Repository password can be specified as an environment variable that points to the Repository variable.

To use passwords stored in CyberArk, specify CYBERARK and enter a password variable for the password. Setup a password variable manually in an execution profile as described in the Connect help. Connect ETL retrieves the password associated with the specified variable from CyberArk. CyberArk also requires a TLS-secured HTTPS connection to deliver passwords, which requires client certificates setup in the Connect ETL Server dialog or repository manager.

To use passwords stored in Azure Key Vault, specify AZUREVAULT and enter a password variable for the password. Setup a password variable manually in an execution profile as described in the Connect help. Connect ETL retrieves the password associated with the specified variable from Azure Key Vault. Azure Key Vault also requires a TLS-secured HTTPS connection to deliver passwords, which requires client certificates setup in the Connect ETL Server dialog or repository manager.

When AZUREVAULT keyword is specified, the password field is a variable that points to a definition in the Execution profile file. The definition has information on how to retrieve the password from Azure Key Vault.


This option may appear anywhere in the task definition.