Connect ETL Data Transformation Language (DTL) Guide

Product type
Product family
Connect > Connect (ETL, Sort, AppMod, Big Data)
Product name
Connect ETL
Connect ETL Data Transformation Language (DTL) Guide
First publish date


To establish a connection to a remote server.


/SERVERCONNECTION connection_info


connection_info = {host server_connection_info} {AzureStorage_connection_info} {DBFS_connection_info} {GS_connection_info} {S3_connection_info}
server_connection_info =

{FTP USER|REPOSITORY username ftp_authentication [ALIAS alias ] [MAINFRAMEJOBCARD mainframe_job_card]} {SFTP USER|REPOSITORY username sftp_authentication [ALIAS alias]} {HADOOP [SCHEME filesystem_scheme] USER username hdfs_authentication [ALIAS alias ]} {CONNECTDIRECT USER|REPOSITORY username connectdirect_authentication [ALIAS alias ] PNODE pnode_host USER|REPOSITORY username connectdirect_authentication [WORKDIR work_directory]}

{connection_type USER|REPOSITORY|CYBERARK|AZUREVAULT username type_specific_auth_info}

ftp_authentication = {password}
sftp_authentication = {password} {NONE} {PUBLICKEY key_set_name}
hdfs_authentication = {NONE}
connectdirect _authentication = {password} {NONE}
AzureStorage_connection_info  = {account_name AZURESTORAGE connection_protocol AzureStorage_authentication [ALIAS alias]}
DBFS_connection_info = {instance DBFS connection_protocol DBFS_authentication [ALIAS alias]}
GS_connection_info = {GOOGLESTORAGE connection_protocol SERVICEACCOUNTKEY serviceAccountFile ALIAS alias}
S3_connection_info = {AMAZONS3 connection_protocol S3_authentication ALIAS alias}
connection_protocol = {HTTP} {HTTPS}
AzureStorage_authentication =

{SHAREDKEY sharedKey}



{SAS sasToken}

{SAS sasTokenAlias REPOSITORY [repository_type]}

{ACTIVEDIR clientID [clientSecret] [tenantID]}

{ACTIVEDIR clientID clientSecretAlias REPOSITORY

[repository_type] tenantID}

DBFS_authentication =

{TOKENID token}

{TOKENID tokenAlias REPOSITORY [repository_type]}

S3_authentication =

{SECRETKEY accessKey secretKey}

{SECRETKEY accessKey secretKeyAlias

 REPOSITORY [repositoryType]}

{TEMPORARYTOKEN accessKey secretKey sessionToken}

{TEMPORARYTOKEN accessKey secretKeyAlias

 REPOSITORY [repositoryType] sessionToken}


repository_type =





host Can be either a string or identifier. This parameter identifies the server to which a connection should be established.
username Is a string. This parameter identifies the user account used to connect to the server identified by host.
key_set_name Is a string. This parameter identifies the key set name to use for secure ftp public key authentication.

Is a string. This parameter supplies the password for the user account used to connect to the server identified by host.

To use a Repository password, specify REPOSITORY, and enter a password variable for the password. Create password variables using the Connect ETL repository manager as described in the Connect help. Note that you must define the password variable on the same system on which, and as the same user by whom, this command application will be run. At runtime, Connect ETL will retrieve the password associated with the specified variable from the repository. A Repository password can be specified as an environment variable that points to the Repository variable.

To use passwords stored in CyberArk, specify CYBERARK and enter a password variable for the password. Setup a password variable manually in an execution profile as described in the Connect help. Connect ETL retrieves the password associated with the specified variable from CyberArk. CyberArk also requires a TLS-secured HTTPS connection to deliver passwords, which requires client certificates setup in the Connect ETL Server dialog or repository manager.

alias Is an identifier. The user can use this alias to refer to the connection in other dmexpress options. An alias is mandatory for Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage service connections; an alias is optional for server connections. If this parameter is omitted for server connections, you must use the host parameter to refer to the connection. The alias can be used to distinguish more than one connection to the same server.
mainframe_job_card Is a string. This parameter supplies the job card for the user account used to connect to the mainframe server identified by host. This is only applicable if the FTP server is a mainframe.
pnode_host Can be either a string or identifier. This parameter identifies the Connect:Direct primary node to which a connection is established.
work_dir Is a string. This parameter identifies the pathname of a directory where Connect ETL can create temporary files on the Connect:Direct snode identified by the host.
filesystem_scheme Is a string. This parameter provides the scheme that identifies the Hadoop file system. The default value is hdfs.

When DMEXPRESS is specified, or no repository type is specified, the alias will be used to obtain the actual value from the Connect repository manager as described in the help. Note that you must define the alias on the same system on which, and as the same user by whom, this command application will be run. At runtime, Connect will retrieve the value associated with the specified alias from the repository. The repository alias can be specified as an environment variable that points to the actual repository alias.

When CYBERARK is specified, the alias refers to the alias defined in an execution profile as described in the Connect help. Connect retrieves the value associated with the specified alias from CyberArk. CyberArk also requires a TLS-secured HTTPS connection to deliver passwords, which requires client certificates setup in the

Connect Server dialog or repository manager.

To use passwords stored in Azure Key Vault, specify AZUREVAULT and enter a password variable for the password. Setup a password variable manually in an execution profile as described in the Connect help. Connect ETL retrieves the password associated with the specified variable from Azure Key Vault. Azure Key Vault also requires a TLS-secured HTTPS connection to deliver passwords, which requires client certificates setup in the Connect ETL Server dialog or repository manager.


The full path to and name of the JSON file, which is generated upon creation of the service account key. The service account key provides Connect ETL with the credentials to connect to Google Cloud Storage. The service account key file must reside on the same server on which the Connect ETL jobs and tasks are located. Connect ETL resolves a relative path with respect to the task location.

The serviceAccountFile value can be an environment variable.

accessKey Is a string. This parameter supplies the access key for the user account used to connect to Amazon S3. If used with TEMPORARYTOKEN, accessKey is the temporary access key.
secretKey Is a string. This parameter supplies the secret key for the user account used to connect to Amazon S3If used with TEMPORARYTOKEN, secretKey is the temporary secret key.
sessionToken Is a string. This parameter supplies the session token for the user account used to connect to Amazon S3.
token Is a string. This parameter supplies the access token used to connect to the host.
tokenAlias Is a string. This parameter is the name of the entry in the Connect built-in password repository or an external password repository which stores the token used to connect to the host
sharedKey Is a string. This parameter supplies the shared key used to connect to Azure Storage.
sharedKeyAlias Is a string. This parameter is the name of the entry in the Connect built-in password repository or an external password repository which stores the shared key used to connect to Azure Storage.
sasToken Is a string. This parameter supplies the SAS token used to connect to Azure Storage.
sasTokenAlias Is a string. This parameter is the name of the entry in the Connect built-in password repository or an external password repository which stores the SAS token used to connect to Azure Storage.
clientID Is a string. This parameter supplies the client ID used to connect to Azure Storage via Active Directory. Specify an empty string if this is not required.
clientSecret Is an optional string. This parameter supplies the client secret key used to connect to Azure Storage via Active Directory.
clientSecretAlias Is a string. This parameter is the name of the entry in the Connect built-in password repository or an external password repository which stores the client secret used to connect to Azure Storage via Active Directory.
tenantID Is an optional string. This parameter supplies the tenant ID used to connect to Azure Storage via Active Directory.


The option may appear anywhere in the task definition.


The server to which a connection is being established must be accessible via the mechanism specified in connection_type.

The connection can be referred to in other dmexpress options (/INFILE, /OUTFILE, /DATADICTIONARY) via the host parameter. If you are establishing multiple connections to the same host in the same Connect ETL task, you will need to create aliases in order to unambiguously refer to the connection.

The password provided as the authentication parameter for Secure FTP connections is only used when the remote server is configured to accept password authentication. The authentication parameters NONE or PUBLICKEY are only applicable if the connection type is Secure FTP (SFTP).

The key set name provided for Secure FTP connections is resolved to a public/private key pair and a necessary passphrase at runtime. Key sets can be defined using the Connect ETL Repository Manager as described in the Connect help. Note that you must define the key sets on the same system and as the same user who will run this command application.

If the remote SSH server is configured to accept Secure FTP connections with authentication ‘none’, then even though invalid password or key set name is provided, the connection will be established successfully.

Micro focus files and indexed files cannot be accessed from a remote system through the /SERVERCONNECTION option.

For Connect:Direct, pnode_host determines the primary node (pnode); host determines the secondary node (snode).

To access public storage buckets with Amazon S3 connections, use NONE as the cloud_authentication method.

When an Amazon S3 connection is used to access a file, the bucket name, full path to the file, and file name must be specified; for example,


/serverconnection DBSERVER FTP user dataentry qusnrtc alias DBS
This creates a connection to the host DBSERVER using a username dataentry and a password qusnrtc. The connection is given an alias DBS that can be used in other dmexpress options.
/serverconnection IBM2 FTP user "textdmx" "nextgen" 
mainframejobcard "(WWCDMX,DMX800),’DMXGRP’,MSG"
This creates a connection to the host IBM2 using a username testdmx and a password nextgen. The job card to be used is also specified.
This creates a connection to the Connect:Direct SNODE server NTZOS.BOSTON using username bos7, password quty, and PNODE server NTZOS.SEATTLE using username sea9, and password qutr. The connection is given an alias CONNECTDIRECTCONNECTION that can be used in other dmexpress options. NTZOS.TEMP is used by Connect ETL for temporary work files on NTZOS.BOSTON.
alias AmazonConnection
This creates a connection to an Amazon S3 service using the specified AWS keys.
syncsort-eng-53f8790839ea.json alias GoogleConnection1
This creates a connection to the Google Cloud Storage service using the specified service account key file, which is in JSON format.
This creates a connection to the Hadoop file system, which is identified by the Google Cloud Storage scheme string, "gs".
/SERVERCONNECTION "instance.databricks.com" DBFS TOKENID "53f8790839ea" 
alias DBFSConnection1
This creates a connection to the specified DBFS instance using the specified access token.
/SERVERCONNECTION "account.blob.core.windows.net" AZURESTORAGE SHAREDKEY "key" 
ALIAS AzureStorageConnection1
This creates a connection to the specified Azure Storage account using the specified shared key.
/SERVERCONNECTION "account.blob.core.windows.net" AZURESTORAGE SAS "token" 
ALIAS AzureStorageConnection2

This creates a connection to the specified Azure Storage account using the specified Shared Access Signature (SAS) token.