License Restrictions - Latest

Automate Connect Guide

Product type
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Automate > Automate Studio
Product name
Automate Connect
Automate Connect Guide
First publish date

The Automate products (the “Software”) may require an electronic license key (“License Key”). As a condition of use, each License Key delivered to Licensee by Automate shall be assigned to and used by a single, designated named user and may not be shared with any other individual end user. A named user may not use their License Key to access the Automate Software on behalf of any other individual, even if such individual also has a Windows ID for interaction with SAP products. Additional and/or replacement License Keys may be obtained from Automate.

RPA Bot Licenses

The Automate licensing compliance guidelines include the following provisions for the use of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) “bots” or other software programs that cause a Studio script to run:

  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA) bots may only be used with a full Studio RPA Runner license or Professional User for RPA license for Foundation licensing on an annual subscription basis. Bots may not be used with any named-user license (Studio Runner, Professional, etc.). Customers wanting to use RPA bots or any other software programs to interact with the Automate Studio software to cause a Studio script to run must purchase a full Studio RPA Runner annual subscription license.

  • Allowing multiple bots to use the same Studio RPA Runner or Professional User for RPA license is not allowed. Additionally, people and bots cannot share the same license.

  • A single bot using a Studio RPA Runner license or Professional User for RPA license cannot run Studio scripts using multiple SAP IDs in a single SAP system. In addition, a bot may not run a Studio script using a human SAP ID.

  • A human SAP ID should have a named-user Studio license. Similarly, a named-user Studio license may not be used to run with a SAP bot ID.

  • A Studio RPA Runner or Professional User for RPA license cannot be moved between bots.

Named-user Licenses

A named-user Licensee is allowed two license moves per quarter per maintenance year. Licensee’s license administrator may reassign a named-user license if the existing user is no longer employed with the Licensee or has changed jobs. At Automate’s discretion, additional named-user license moves may be allowed. (In Evolve 20.1 and Studio Manager 20.1, the Active Directory Sync feature should not be used to automate license reassignments; this would amount to pooled licensing, which is not allowed for named-user licenses.)

Automate retains the right to disable all Licensee site functionality, including without limitation reporting, license moves, and user management, if maintenance expires or is terminated for any reason. If functionality is disabled, authentication via Connect and the use of modules that have been paid for is still allowed.

Sharing of licenses is a breach of the Automate terms of service and may result in a suspension of the Licensee account or termination of the License Agreement.

Automate Evolve and Studio Manager

Automate Evolve and Automate Studio Manager are licensed as a platform and can support a high availability environment without any additional licensing. However multiple separate environments will require additional licensing.

Automate Evolve provides two types of runner users, Studio Runner and Standard. Studio Runner users can update any number of records in SAP from any data source supported in Evolve. Standard users can only interact with SAP through a web form.

Automate Evolve and Automate Studio Manager only support full Studio Developer or Runner licenses and do not support individually licensed modules. (In Evolve 20.1 and Studio Manager 20.1, the Active Directory Sync feature should not be used to automate license reassignments; this would amount to pooled licensing, which is not allowed for named-user licenses. A named-user Licensee is allowed two license moves per quarter per maintenance year; see the Named-user License section above.)

The number of platform users on a customer production Evolve or Studio Manager system must not exceed the total number of allowed users purchased by the customer (the customer's server tier of users purchased). However, platform users do not count against the total number of licensed users purchased in their server tier of users. For example, if you purchased an Evolve user tier of 500 users, you can have up to 500 platform users in addition to your 500 named user licenses.

Using Automate products after reading this license restriction documentation constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth herein. For a complete understanding of your legal agreement, please review the End User License Agreement or your Master Services Agreement, whichever applies to your company or organization.

Evolve - Digital Access & SAP Data API License

Digital Access & SAP Data API License Restrictions

For ongoing usage of the Digital Access License, customers must have an active Evolve or Studio Manager maintenance agreement or subscription. Automate reserves the right to audit the usage of these solutions to confirm compliance; for this purpose, we will sync API usage data from your environments.

Automate reserves the right to modify the API, and to release subsequent versions of the API. The customer will need to update their version of the Evolve platform to access this latest version of the API. The customer will not need to re-purchase their usage license when they upgrade.

APIs do not have a separate product lifecycle from Evolve and Studio Manager. Please review the Automate Product Support Availability regarding customer support.

Automate is not responsible for licensing enforcement in the third-party system and the customer is responsible to maintain their licensing agreement with the third-party system or SAP system connected with Evolve or Studio Manager.

The APIs cannot be distributed to external parties or consultants for their own application development intended for reselling of Evolve or Studio Manager solution’s capabilities regarding data integration into SAP products. The customer shall be responsible for the application in which this API is being consumed for interacting with Evolve forms and workflows and ultimately to post this data to SAP.

In case the third-party system is on an external network, the customer shall be responsible for securing access of the API from the third-party application.

Automate will provide support for the access of its API and not for any third-party application created using this API. The same applies for the development of the application wherein the customer is responsible for the third-party system that accesses the Evolve API to create the application.

Evolve – Portal Framework License

Portal Framework License Restrictions

External portals are for customers, vendors, suppliers, partners or other outside parties and are not to be used by employees or contractors who don’t have a named Automate license.

Internal portals are to be used only by employees or contractors with a named user license.

Licensed Platform users cannot be involved in processes that interact with SAP even if it is through a portal.

Automate reserves the right to modify the Portal Framework, and to release subsequent versions of it when new versions of Evolve are released. The customer will need to update their version of the Evolve platform to access this latest version of the Portal Framework. The customer will not need to re-purchase their Portal Framework license when they upgrade.

A Portal Framework license does not include any infrastructure costs associated with hosting the portal in Microsoft Azure, customers will be responsible for this cost based on their Azure usage.

Automate EnterWorks

User license assignments are expected to be mapped to only one named user. A named-user Licensee is allowed two license moves per quarter per maintenance year. Licensee’s license administrator may reassign a named-user license if the existing user is no longer employed with the Licensee or has changed jobs. At Automate’s discretion, additional named-user license moves may be allowed.

Sharing of licenses is a breach of the Automate terms of service and may result in a suspension of the Licensee account or termination of the License Agreement.

Automate EnterWorks is licensed separately for Automate Evolve or for Automate Studio. Customers are entitled to use Automate EnterWorks with Automate Evolve and/or Automate Studio only if they have purchased licenses for every product that they will use in combination or separately. Non-renewal of Customer Support of one of these Automate products negates customer support for the usage of the products together.


Automate Connect

Connect is a license management system for Studio. Any other Connect functionality is provided as a courtesy by Automate to users. Automate reserves the right to discontinue, add, or remove Connect features at any time without prior notice; this excludes basic license management functionality required for use of the Studio software. In addition, unsupported versions of Studio are not guaranteed to work in perpetuity because Automate must counter security threats and/or adopt new technologies for the license management system on an ongoing basis.

Using Automate products after reading this license restriction documentation constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth herein. For a complete understanding of your legal agreement, please review the End User License Agreement or your Master Services Agreement, whichever applies to your company or organization.

Please note that module-only licenses are no longer available for versions 20.2 and above. Existing customers must upgrade to full Studio or Studio Runner licenses if they wish to upgrade to 20.2. Contact your sales representatives if you have any questions.


Automate Foundation

Automate Foundation is licensed as a platform and can support a high availability setup using a single instance of the Automate License Management System ("LMS") without any additional licensing. Multiple instances of LMS will require additional licensing.

Automate Foundation provides two types of runner users, Professional and Standard. Professional users can update any number of records from any data source supported in Foundation. Standard users can only update a single record at a time from any data source supported in Foundation. Solutions that include repeating web services or smart table functionality require users to have a Professional license.

Foundation - Digital Access License

Digital Access License Restrictions

For ongoing usage of the Digital Access License, customers must have an active maintenance agreement. And, customers must annually share their solutions which involve the use of the Digital Access License. Automate reserves the right to audit the usage of these solutions to confirm compliance.

The API is meant to be used for the solution processes that have been agreed with Automate to be used for the purpose of this API access from third party systems. If a new solution is used with the digital access API, the customer needs to inform Automate about this usage at the end of their subscription period.


Automate reserves the right to modify the API, and to release subsequent versions of the API. The customer would be required to update their version of the Foundation platform to access this latest version of the API.


The support available for a particular version of the Foundation platform also applies to its associated APIs. So, if a version of the Foundation software is in limited support, the related APIs will also be in limited support. Please review Automate Product Support Availability.


Automate is not responsible for licensing enforcement in the third-party system and the customer is responsible to maintain their licensing agreement with the third-party system or SAP system connected with Foundation.


The API can only be used to create/update a single business object with a single workflow process. The workflow process can be flat or hierarchical if it is updating a single business object. The workflow solution cannot be split into multiple processes or used as an input to another process that updates more than one instance of the business object.


The APIs cannot be distributed to external parties or consultants for their own application development. The customer shall be responsible for the application in which this API is being consumed for interacting with Foundation forms and workflows and ultimately to post this data to SAP.


In case the third-party system is on an external network, the customer shall be responsible for securing access of the API from the third-party application.


Automate will provide support for the access of its API and not for any third-party application created using this API. The same applies for the development of the application wherein the customer is responsible for the third-party system that accesses the Foundation API to create the application.


The API is not designed to work with bulk update scenarios. The overall performance of the third-party application using the digital access API is dependent on the solution design, environment configuration, network latency, geographical distribution of users, and other external factors.

The customer is expected to consider these factors as they design their third-party application and data payload.


Automate License Management System

LMS is a license management system for Automate Foundation. Any other LMS functionality is provided as a courtesy by Automate to users. Automate reserves the right to discontinue, add, or remove LMS features in future releases without prior notice; this excludes basic license management functionality required for use of the Studio & Foundation software.