The Import Assure UI Server Config. (impvsicfg) command will import configuration to an Assure UI server on the local system. The Assure UI server on the local system must be ended before running this command.
The file to import must be a .ZIP file that was exported (expvsicfg command) from an Assure UI server running the same Assure Unified Interface service pack level as the Assure UI server on the local system.
The Assure UI portal and portal application configuration within the file will replace existing configuration on the local system. This command does not verify that the software level of imported portal application configuration is the same as any currently deployed portal applications on the local system.
To import configuration from a .ZIP file to a Assure UI server on a Windows platform, do the following:
Open a command prompt.
Change directories to the location where the Assure Unified Interface commands are located:
is:C:\Program Files\VisionSolutions
If you have not do so already, transfer the exported configuration file from the system were it was created to the local system.
End the Assure UI server by typing:
To display a list of available configuration files in the default directory, type:
impvsicfg -l
To import from a configuration file, type:
The value specified for
can be either the fully-qualified path of the ZIP file, or the name of ZIP file in the default location, which is C:\Program Files\VisionSolutions\http\vspconfig.When the command completes, you can start the Assure UI server on the local system by typing
To display the full command syntax, do the following:
From the command line, type impvsicfg -h
Requirements for a redundant Assure UI server environment
Exporting configuration from an Assure UI server - Windows
Ending the Assure UI server - Windows