Configuring subscriptions for automatic monitoring - assure_mimix - Latest

Assure Unified Interface Guide

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Assure MIMIX™ Software for AIX
Product name
Assure Unified Interface
Assure Unified Interface Guide
First publish date

By using subscriptions, you assume the risk associated with sending information about your environment through email or through an SNMP network. This can include system names and other sensitive details about your product environments.

Policies for the underlying technology to be used by the type of event action specified in a subscription must be configured by the Assure UI administrator before a subscription can be created.

Subscriptions can be created by users or by the Assure UI administrator. If you are logged in as the Assure UI administrator, the list of selectable instances includes all instances for all products that support subscriptions regardless of their owners. If you are logged in as a user, the list is limited to the instances you own and instances shared with groups to which you belong.

Do the following to configure a subscription.

  1. Ensure that the instance owner has a password specified within the primary portal connection used by the instance for which you are creating a subscription. If you are the instance owner, you can check and change the password setting by using the Details action for the portal connection in the Portal Connections portlet.

    Note: If you are logged in as the Assure UI administrator or if you are not the instance owner, you must have the instance owner do this for you.
  2. Select the Home folder, then select the Subscriptions page.

  3. If you will be configuring a subscription that emails you when an event occurs, ensure that your Assure UI portal User ID has an email address specified. Select the Change Email Address action from the global actions list in the Subscriptions portlet. If necessary, specify an email address and click OK.

  4. From the toolbar in the Subscriptions portlet, click New.

  5. On the General tab, do the following:
    1. Specify a name for the subscription.
    2. Specify a description. This is optional.
    3. Select the instance to monitor.

      If a listed instance is disabled from selection, it cannot be selected until the instance owner specifies an email address in their Assure UI user profile, specifies a password in the primary portal connection used by the instance, or both.

    4. If you are logged in as Assure UI administrator, select the user who will own the subscription.
    5. Optionally, specify a value for Delay after event. The number specified determines how long the Assure UI portal waits for a resolution after an event occurs before taking the indicated action. The value specified applies to all subscribed events. For more information about this field, click Help.
  6. On the Event Actions tab, do the following:

    1. Verify that the appropriate checkboxes for the type of event actions you want are selected. You can select one or both types of event actions. A checkbox is automatically preselected when its corresponding administration policy is configured and is disabled (grayed out) when its policy has not been configured.
    2. When the Send email checkbox is selected, you can specify who is notified when the Assure UI portal performs the subscription action in response to an event that occurred. The default is the subscription owner. If the instance is shared with a group, you can specify all users in the group or select a subset of the group members.
  7. Click OK.

Events that are considered best practice to monitor for are automatically added to the subscription.

The Assure UI portal will perform the indicated event actions when a monitored event occurs.

Setting up prerequisites for subscriptions