Send all the .SEQ files to your z/OS system using a file transfer program such as FTP. You must send these files in binary mode. Consult your mainframe systems programmer for the appropriate dataset high-level qualifier (hlq) name for the files as they are transferred to z/OS.
The following commands are an example of an FTP session to upload the files. You can pre-allocate the target z/OS datasets with attributes of RECFM=FB LRECL=80 BLKSIZE=3120 and a primary allocation of 45 DASD tracks. Alternatively, as in the example below, you can tell FTP to do that for you using SITE commands:
C:> ftp s390name
User: username
Password: ****
ftp> bin
ftp> quote site blksize=3120
ftp> quote site lrecl=80
ftp> quote site recfm=fb
ftp> quote site primary=45
ftp> put EV390.V74.LOAD.SEQ hlq.EV390.V74.LOAD.SEQ
ftp> put EV390.V74.SAMP.SEQ hlq.EV390.V74.SAMP.SEQ
ftp> put EV390.V74.CLIST.SEQ hlq.EV390.V74.CLIST.SEQ
ftp> quit
If you receive a B37 or D37 "out of space" error from any of the put commands, you may need to pre-allocate the sequential file on the mainframe using the sizes given in table above.