The CIOPCMSG interface is a separate reentrant load module which can be called from CICS transactions. The first four bytes sent to CIOPCMSG will hold the return code. The remaining parameters are the same as those for OVOPCMSG. Each parameter must be terminated with a NULL (x'00') character. The CICS command to call CIPOCMSG is:
where opcmsg is the common area storage that hold the return code and input parameters, and opclen is the size of the common area storage.
The CIOPCMSG load module must be copied from the Ironstream LOAD library into a DFHRPL library (as specified in the CICS startup JCL).
The Ironstream agent's SAMP dataset contains a sample CIOPCMSA for calling CIOPCMSG from an assembler transaction program.
To load the sample and call the CIOPCMSG, issue these commands from CICS:
Call the new transaction with the EOPC command from a CICS session. (The four-character transaction name and the groupname can be customized to the site requirements.)
Any error messages generated by the CIOPCMSG will be written to the CEEOUT DD defined in the CICS startup JCL and returned to the calling program in the four-byte return code at the head of the common area that was passed to CIOPCMSG. The possible return code values (in decimal) are: