Mainframe z/OS messages which require an action or are otherwise highlighted for severity will have their intensity removed when the appropriate action is taken (such as mounting a tape on a drive) or the severe condition is relieved (such as a disk space shortage). z/OS signals the removal of the message highlighting by issuing a Delete Operator Message (DOM). Ironstream can optionally pick up these DOMs and forward them to the ServiceNow instance, where they can be used to automatically close alerts that may outstanding.
To get DOMs delivered to the ServiceNow instance, either add the DOM parameter to the MVS startup initialization card in the SYSIN
for the mainframe agent’s job (see the description of the MVS card in the Installation Guide), or activate it using the DOM console command (see the section “About DOM Commands”).
DOM information will arrive in the ServiceNow instance in the form of an EVO211 message event with the following format:
EVO211 source key
where the message parameters are:
The EVO211 message can therefore be set up in the event rules with correlation to auto-acknowledge a previous message with the message key that matches the key. The EV390 MVS Messages policy has conditions for action messages (see condition for $HASP050) that create a message key for acknowledgement by the EVO211 message. See the conditions for the EVO211 message for the creation of the acknowledgement key.