Add IBM Z nodes and runtime parameters - ironstream_for_servicenow_event_mgmt - 7.4

Ironstream for ServiceNow® Event Management for IBM Z Administration

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lronstream for ServiceNow Event Management for IBM Z
Ironstream for ServiceNow® Event Management for IBM Z Administration
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To define an IBM Z system to be monitored by Ironstream, it is added as a Node in the Configuration Tool. Each IBM Z LPAR is defined as a separate node, and a separate Windows service will be created for each node.
  1. At the bottom of the page, fill in the mainframe LPAR’s fully qualified hostname as defined in your DNS, then click the Add button.
  2. Select the line for the new node from the list, then click Edit to enter the parameters for this node.
  3. Update the License Key parameter with the license key supplied by Precisely for this system.
  4. You can accept the default values created (recommended) or provide custom values for the configuration parameters. The available parameters are:
    Parameter Description
    Hostname Machine name of the mainframe LPAR where the Ironstream agent component is installed.

    Default Value: None

    Valid Value: Hostname of the managed mainframe node. It is recommended to use the fully qualified network name of the mainframe LPAR, resolvable by DNS.

    Host command port A port reserved for Ironstream inter-process communications on the proxy server.

    Default Value: 6100 and must be unique on the Proxy Server. It will increase automatically to avoid port conflicts as other z/OS nodes are added.

    Valid Value: Any unused port number on the Proxy Server

    Note: The port must be open for outbound traffic.
    Message port The TCP/IP port on the IBM Z LPAR that the Proxy Server connects to receive messages. This number MUST match the first number on the TCP SYSIN parameter card on the z/OS system. (See the TCP card definition in the Installation Guide.)

    Default Value: 6106

    Valid Value: Available mainframe TCP/IP port (greater than 1024).

    Note: The port must be in a Listening status (that is, open for inbound traffic) on the IBM Z LPAR.
    Command port

    The TCP/IP port on the IBM Z LPAR that the Ironstream Proxy Server connects to send commands. This number must match the second number on the TCP SYSIN parameter card on the z/OS system.

    Default Value: 6107

    Valid Value: Available mainframe TCP/IP port (greater than 1024).

    Note: The port must be in a Listening status (that is, open for inbound traffic) on the IBM Z LPAR.
    Command timeout

    Defines the amount of time to wait for a mainframe command response (in seconds).

    Default Value: 30

    Valid Value: Any integer greater than or equal to 1 (second).

    Operator ID

    Defines the name of the NetView/390 autotask ID under which commands may be issued. If NetView/390 is in use on the mainframe, this name must match the name of the autotask defined in the NetView/390 DSIPARM(DSIOPF) member.

    Default Value: EVOAUTO1

    Valid Value: Valid NetView ID

    License Key

    The license key received from Precisely for this mainframe node. Each managed node requires a unique key to connect to the Ironstream management server, although the same key may be used for multiple LPARs on the same physical IBM Z system.

    Default Value: None

    Valid Value: License key string

    For more information about acquiring a license key, see Installation Guide.

    Log level

    Granularity of log tracing.

    Default Value: info

    Valid Values: info, debug, warning, error

    Subsequent changes to the Log Level value require the node to be restarted before the changes are actioned.

    Max log size

    Maximum size (in Kilobytes) of any file which is created on the Proxy Server by Ironstream for logging or debugging purposes.

    Default Value: 3000 (3 MBytes)

    Valid Value: Numerical size


    If selected, enables TLS encryption between the MID server and the mainframe agent. See the Installation Guide for instructions on setting up a TLS encrypted connection.

    Default Value: No encryption

    Valid Value: Checked or not checked

    PKCS #12 file

    The full path and filename of the PKCS #12 file that was exported from the mainframe when using TLS encryption. This value is only used when the “TLS” checkbox is selected. See the Installation Guide for instructions on setting up a TLS encrypted connection.

    Default Value: none

    Valid Value: MID server path and filename

    PKCS #12 password

    The password of the PKCS #12 file that was exported from the mainframe when using TLS encryption. This value is only used when the “TLS” checkbox is selected. See the Installation Guide for instructions on setting up a TLS encrypted connection.

    Default Value: none

    Valid Value: Exported password string

  5. Click Save to close the Node Editor Window. The Node Configuration program will save the parameters locally on the Ironstream Proxy Server.