This appendix describes all messages generated by the Ironstream job running on the mainframe. The default name for the mainframe task is “VP390”. All messages generated by the VP390 job begin with "EVO" followed by three digits.
EVO002 type subtask initialized for feature
Message Variables
Type of subtask
feature A specific attribute that this subtask is initialized for:
Message Description
The VP390 subtask is successfully initialized. This message will be issued for each of the defined subtasks of the VP390 main task.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
EVO007 Invalid size of parameter 'parm' on line number
Message Variables
parm Character string in SYSIN line
number Line number of SYSIN
Message Description
A parameter or option for a SYSIN line was found to be of an invalid length.
System Action
The invalid card is skipped. Processing continues with the next SYSIN card.
User Action Correct the input card on the given line number of SYSIN. Valid values for SYSIN cards are listed in the Ironstream for ServiceNow Discovery for IBM Z Installation Guide. If a system symbol was used in the line, verify that the combination of the symbol's length and any other character concatenations do not result in an invalid size for the parameter.
EVO008 Invalid input parameter card on line number
Message Variables
number Line number of SYSIN
Message Description
The VP390 job read a line from SYSIN that it did not understand.
System Action
The invalid card is skipped. Processing continues with the next SYSIN card.
User Action
Correct the input card on the given line number of SYSIN. Valid syntax for SYSIN cards are listed in the Ironstream for ServiceNow Discovery for IBM Z Installation Guide. All other lines must begin with an asterisk (*) to denote a comment line.
EVO009 Duplicate subtask card on line number ignored
Message Variables
subtask Type of subtask
number Line number of SYSIN
Message Description
The VP390 job read a definition card from SYSIN for a subtask that has already been defined.
System Action
The invalid card is skipped. Processing continues with the next SYSIN card.
User Action
Correct or remove the input card on the given line number of SYSIN. For names of input parameter cards that may be defined multiple times, see the Ironstream for ServiceNow Discovery for IBM Z Installation Guide.
EVO010 Maximum number of subtask cards reached; ignoring line number
Message Variables
subtask Type of subtask, or subtask
number Line number of SYSIN
Message Description The VP390 job has reached the maximum number of subtasks of the type named. The definition card on the named line is not processed. If subtask is "subtask", VP390 has reached the maximum number of total subtasks that can be defined, and all SYSIN parameter cards from the current line number forward are ignored.
System Action The parameter cards are skipped and processing continues.
User Action Decrease the number of SYSIN parameter cards of the type named.
EVO011 Maximum number of type filter entries reached; new entry ignored
Message Variables
type Type of filter entry
Message Description The VP390 job has reached the maximum number of filter entries allowed. By default, VP390 will accept up to 2000 message ID entries and 200 command filter entries.
System Action The new filter entry is discarded and processing continues.
User Action Decrease the number of filter entries, possibly by combining multiple entries using wildcard characters, or use the FILTERTABLE parameter card to increase the size of the filter table.
EVO012 Unable to allocate name filter table
Message Variables
name "message" or "alert"
Message Description A memory allocation failure has occurred while either (1) attempting to allocate the filter table, or (2) attempting to add attributes (jobname, jobid) to an existing filter table entry.
System Action The new filter entry is discarded and processing continues.
User Action Allocate more memory for the VP390 job in the startup JCL. If this message appears during startup, use the FILTERTABLE parameter card to decrease the initial allocation size of the message filter table.
EVO018 VTAM ACB generation for subtask acb failed, RC = rcnumber
Message Variables
subtask Type of subtask
acb Name of failing ACB
rcnumber Return code from the Get VTAM ACB routine
Message Description An attempt by an initializing subtask to get a VTAM ACB failed.
System Action The VP390 subtask terminates with a condition code 8.
User Action Verify that the ACB is available. Use the INIT command to restart the subtask.
EVO019 VTAM subtask open for acb failed, RC = rcnumber, error = enumber
Message Variables
subtask Type of subtask
acb Name of failing ACB
rcnumber Return code from the Open VTAM ACB routine
enumber Error code within ACB
Message Description
An attempt by an initializing subtask to open a VTAM ACB failed.
System Action
The VP390 subtask terminates with a condition code 8.
User Action
Verify that the ACB name acb is correctly defined. If rcnumber = 8, then the subtask may be restarted using the INIT command. If rcnumber = 12, then there is a serious VTAM error which will not allow a re-issue of the ACB Open command; check the status of VTAM and recycle the VP390 job. If enumber = 88, then resource acb is already in use by another program. (Remember that the PPO subtask should not be used if NetView is running.) If enumber = 36, verify that acb does not have a password requirement or other RACF restriction. If enumber = 90, verify that the VTAMLST APPL entry for acb is coded correctly and the APPL is active. For descriptions of other error codes, see the section for the OPEN macroinstruction in the IBM manual VTAM Programming.
EVO020 subtask is currently in use
Message Variables
subtask Type of subtask
Message Description
This message follows immediately after the EVO019 message if an exclusive subtask ACB is already in use by another program.
System Action
The VP390 subtask terminates with a condition code 8.
User Action
Verify that the ACB is not taken by another program on the mainframe, such as NetView/390 or SOLVE:NETMASTER.
EVO021 Unsolicited msgtype data is unavailable
Message Variables
msgtype Type of message
Message Description
This message follows the EVO019 message to alert you that the VP390 job is not able to receive unsolicited data because it was unable to access an ACB.
System Action
The VP390 subtask terminates with a condition code 8.
User Action
Correct the problem identified by the EVO019 message, then restart the subtask.
EVO026 Unexpected subtask return code, RC = rcnumber
Message Variables
Type of subtask
Return code from Receive routine
Message Description
The subtask Receive routine received an unexpected return code while attempting to receive messages.
System Action
The VP390 subtask terminates with a condition code 9.
User Action Check the mainframe job output log for additional messages. Use the INIT command to restart the subtask.
EVO033 VP390 COMMAND = command
Message Variables
command Command text
Message Description
The command issued through the VP390 job is logged to SYSLOG.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
EVO034 Initialization of SPO name failed in reqtype processing, RC1 = addr RC2 = size
Message Variables
name Name of the SPO subtask
reqtype Type of request being processed
addr Returned address from Get RPL routine
size Returned size from Get RPL routine
Message Description
The SPO subtask failed calling the VTAM RPL routine.
System Action
The VP390 SPO subtask terminates with a condition code 13.
User Action
Use the INIT command to recover subtask.
EVO035 SPO Warning: Failure retrieving command responses, max retries reached.
Message Variables
Message Description The VP390 Secondary Program Operator interface subtask encountered a failure while attempting to retrieve the command responses from an issued VTAM command. Not all responses were retrieved.
System Action Processing continues.
User Action Re-issue the VTAM command. If the proper responses are still not returned, contact Precisely support.
EVO036 SPO command queue depth exceeded maximum
Message Variables
Message Description
A VTAM SPO command could not be placed on the VP390 queue of waiting SPO commands because that queue has reached its maximum size.
System Action
The command is discarded.
User Action
Re-issue the VTAM command. If this message appears frequently, consider defining additional SPO subtasks to handle the load (the VP390 job allows up to ten SPO subtasks to be defined in the SYSIN cards).
EVO038 subtask command support unavailable
Message Variables
subtask name of unavailable subtask
Message Description
The mainframe task is not able to process a command because the necessary subtask is not running.
System Action
The command is discarded.
User Action
Use the SHOW TASK console command (see Appendix A) to check the status of the VP390 subtasks. If subtask is in the list of subtasks but does not have an "UP" status, use the INIT command to restart the subtask. If subtask is not in the list of subtasks, then add it to the SYSIN deck and restart the VP390 job.
EVO039 Unable to route message (type=type)
Message Variables
type Invalid message type
Message Description
The VP390 job was unable to route an incoming message to any of its subtasks because the message type was unrecognized.
System Action
The invalid message is dumped to SYSPRINT immediately after this message.
User Action
Capture the job's SYSPRINT information and contact Precisely support.
EVO040 Authorization lock timeout for subtask
Message Variables
subtask Ironstream subtask
Message Description
The VP390 job was unable to secure a semaphore lock in 20 seconds before issuing and APF-authorized command. The lock is requested to ensure that an S047 abend is avoided.
System Action
The system command is executed, but an S047 abend may be generated if the job is not reset to allow APF authorized commands
User Action
Check if any outstanding commands from the MID server to the agent are unresolved to determine which command did not release the lock.
EVO091 PPI initialization failed, step = stepnum RC = rcnumber
Message Variables
stepnum Initialization step that failed:
1 SSI not running
2 Attempt to get ASCB value failed
3 Attempt to register receiver failed
rcnumber Return code from call to CNMNETV
Message Description
An attempt by the PPI subtask to access the CNMNETV module failed.
System Action
The PPI subtask terminates with a condition code 6.
User Action
If stepnum = 1, check the status of the SSI address space. If stepnum = 2, use the NetView DISPLAY PPI modiFy command to verify that the NetView program-to-program interface is active. If stepnum = 3, verify that no other application is attached to the NetView/390 or NETMASTER PPI.
EVO095 VP390 PPI buffer size error, RC = rcnumber
Message Variables
rcnumber Return code from PPI call
Message Description
A Receive request for the PPI failed because the allocated buffer size was not large enough to hold the incoming data.
System Action
The VP390 PPI subtask terminates with a condition code 31.
User Action
Use the INIT command to restart the subtask.
EVO096 VP390 PPI interface failed, ID = requestid, RC = rcnumber
Message Variables
requestid ID of task request
rcnumber Return code from PPI call
Message Description
A Receive request for the PPI failed.
System Action
The VP390 PPI subtask terminates with a condition code 11.
User Action
For explanations of return codes, see the TME 10 NetView for OS/390 Application Programmer's Guide. If requestid = 22 and rcnumber = 25, then add "BUFLEN=40" to the PPI card in SYSIN.
EVO119 count messages queued on subtask. Command rejected: cmd
Message Variables
count Number of messages
subtask Subtask name
cmd Command entered
Message Description
Subtask subtask does not process the command issued from the workstation because there is a backlog of count messages waiting to be sent to the workstation.
System Action
The command cmd is discarded. Processing continues on the remaining messages in the subtask queue.
User Action
Wait until the existing backlog of messages is processed, then re-issue the command. Use the mainframe VP390 modiFy command SHOW TASK to view the number of messages in the Output Queue of the subtask.
EVO121 MVS console name could not obtain a migration ID
Message Variables
name Name of console to be defined
Message Description
The MVS console being defined requested a one-byte migration ID, but the console initialization routine was unable to provide one.
System Action
Initialization of the console continues.
User Action
EVO122 type console name initialization failed, RC = rc,reas
Message Variables
type Subtask type ("MVS" or "CMD")
name Name of console to be defined
rc Return code from initialization routine, in hexadecimal
reas Reason code from initialization routine, in hexadecimal
Message Description
The initialization of the console failed.
System Action
The VP390 subtask terminates with a condition code 8.
User Action
Verify that all the parameters on the type SYSIN card conform to the syntax rules. If rc=4, then a console name is already running. If you are running multiple Ironstream agents on mainframes or LPARs in a sysplex, then one mainframe image may be able to see another's consoles. Use a unique name for each agent's MVS and CMD card in its SYSIN deck. If rc =10, verify that name conforms to the rules for console names. If rc =C, the VP390 task does not have the necessary READ access to the OPERCMDS resource name Enter the RACF command to allow this READ access for the user ID under which the VP390 job is running.
EVO126 Unable to open MSGCATLG message file
Message Variables
Message Description
The VP390 main task could not find or open the messages file, which is identified by the MSGCATLG DD card in the VP390 startup JCL.
System Action
The VP390 task terminates.
User Action
Verify that the MSGCATLG DD card is defined in the VP390 started task JCL and points to a readable message file. Restart the VP390 job.
EVO127 Too many messages in MSGCATLG message file
Message Variables
Message Description
The VP390 messages file, identified by the MSGCATLG DD card in the VP390 startup JCL, contained more lines than expected for a valid messages file.
System Action
The VP390 task terminates.
User Action
Verify that the MSGCATLG file does not contain extra non-blank lines which could be misinterpreted for message lines. Comment lines beginning with an asterisk and blank lines in the file are ignored. Restart the VP390 job.
EVO128 Unable to find message ID msg in MSGCATLG file
Message Variables
msg Message ID to be written
Message Description
VP390 attempted to issue a message with the message ID msg but could not find this message ID in the MSGCATLG file.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
Verify that the file identified by the MSGCATLG DD in the VP390 startup JCL contains message text for the ID msg. In the MSGCATLG file, message IDs must start in the first column of each line. Restart the VP390 job to re-read the messages file.
EVO130 Unrecognized command option: code
Message Variables
code Option number
Message Description
The ev390hostcmd utility on the OVOW server sent a type 46 command with an option code that the mainframe OSINFO subtask did not recognize.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
Consult the section “Sending Commands to the Agent” for valid options for OSINFO system information and correct syntax of the ev390hostcmd utility.
EVO131 Query failed, error code = code
Message Variables
code Error code
Message Description
The ev390hostcmd utility on the OVOW server sent a type 46 command requesting information that could not be supplied by the OSINFO subtask on the mainframe.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
The code can have different meanings depending on the type 46 option that was requested. Identify what command request is being issued and contact Precisely support.
EVO132 Query returned no lines
Message Variables
Message Description
The ev390hostcmd utility on the OVOW server sent a type 46 command that returned no output. This can be caused by improper syntax on the 46 command, or by specifying a non-existent task name or DASD volume.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
Check the syntax and parameters of the ev390hostcmd which was sent to the mainframe.
EVO133 Unable to collect queue queue data: error accessing source, rc=code
Message Variables
queue Queue name to gather information from: "INPUT", "OUTPUT", or "HELD"
source Resource that could not be accessed: "ISFIN", "ISFOUT", or "SDSF"
code Return code
Message Description
The ev390hostcmd utility on the OVOW server sent a type 46 command requesting information from one of the JES2 queues that could not be supplied.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
If source is "ISFIN" or "ISFOUT", verify that the ISFIN and ISFOUT DD cards are correctly defined in the VP390 startup JCL. The code can have different meanings depending on the type 46 option that was requested. Identify what command request is being issued, and contact Precisely support.
EVO134 Error in function call for value: code
Message Variables
function Name of program function where error occurred value The user-requested parameter that was being queried code Return code from the function
Message Description
The ev390hostcmd utility sent a type 46 command requesting information that could not be supplied, usually due non-availability of certain information from certain resources.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
Verify that the value is valid for the requested output. For example, the type 42 option (program name and PARM value) will not succeed if the "CONSOLE" address space is used for the value . The code can have different meanings depending on the type 46 option that was requested. Identify what command request is being issued and contact Precisely support.
EVO135 Dataset read error: text
Message Variables
text Error description
Message Description
An error occurred while attempting to read a file or dataset for the ev390hostcmd 46 type 10 command. (See the section "10 Dataset Display") If text is "Unexpected file read error", then the error occurred when attempting to read an HFS file. If text is "Unexpected dataset read error", then the error occurred when attempting to read a sequential or partitioned dataset.
System Action The file is closed and the command is canceled.
User Action Verify that the named file or dataset exists and the appropriate authority exists to read it.
EVO137 Rexx command error: error
Message Variables
error Error code or IRX error number
Message Description
An error occurred while attempting to execute a REXX program using the ev390hostcmd 46 type 12 command. (See the section “12 Execute REXX Program”.) The values of error are:
System Action
The command is canceled.
User Action
Verify that the program call has correct syntax and parameters. For IRXnnnnI message IDs, see the system console for the full message text, and refer to the IBM "TSO/E Messages" manual for description.
EVO140 Maximum lines of output exceeded (linecount)
Message Variables
linecount Number of lines printed
Message Description While attempting to read a file or dataset using the ev390hostcmd 46 type 10 command, the maximum number of output lines was exceeded. (The default maximum is 5000 lines.)
System Action
The dataset/file is closed.
User Action
If more lines of output are desired, use the "maxsize=n" option at the end of the ev390hostcmd to specify a larger maximum. See section “10 Dataset Display” for syntax.
EVO141 Output size exceeded (bytecount)
Message Variables bytecount Number of bytes allocated for output
Message Description While attempting to run an MQ query using the ev390hostcmd 46 type 50 command, the maximum number of bytes was exceeded. (The default maximum is 6 ev390snmetric 0 bytes.)
System Action
The command output is discarded.
User Action
Use the "maxsize=n" option at the end of the ev390hostcmd to specify a larger maximum. See “44 Display CICS Group Lists” for syntax.
EVO144 TCP/IP query failed: reason
Message Variables
reason Reason for command failure
Message Description
An error was encountered while attempting to issue an ev390hostcmd 46 command to gather TCP/IP stack information, either because of the syntax usage of the command or a response from a system API.
System Action
The error message is returned to the calling server process.
User Action
Validate the syntax of the command issued. If the reason indicates a system error, check the mainframe syslog and/or the JES output of the Ironstream job for more information.
EVO150 TCP/IP communications: function for workstation component agent failed with errno value
Message Variables
function Failing communication function component Workstation component that detected the failure value Integer error value
Message Description
A TCP/IP communications error occurred. The error could have occurred while TCP/IP communication was being established or while a message was sent or received by the mainframe or specified agent.
System Action
The VP390 TCP subtask terminates with a condition code 1.
User Action
Verify the availability of TCP/IP communications between the workstation and the mainframe, and verify the mainframe TCPIP job's high-level qualifier is specified correctly on the TCP card in the VP390 SYSIN deck. Use the INIT command to recover the TCP subtask, or recycle the VP390 job if the SYSIN needs modification.
EVO151 VP390 failure in communication to TCP/IP
Message Variables
Message Description
The VP390 job received an error while attempting to receive data from a TCP/IP socket or ECB.
System Action
The TCP subtask terminates.
User Action
Use the INIT command to recover the subtask.
EVO152 Default TCP/IP function failed
Message Variables
function Failing communication function
Message Description
The setup of a default TCP/IP environment failed while performing function.
System Action
Processing continues, but initialization of subsequent TCP subtasks may fail.
User Action
Verify the mainframe TCPIP job's high-level qualifier is specified correctly on the TCP card in the VP390 SYSIN deck. Recycle the VP390 job if the SYSIN needs modification.
EVO153 Message length exceeds send buffer allocation
Message Variables
Message Description
The TCP subtask could not send out a block of data because it was longer than the standard VP390 data buffer could hold.
System Action
The message is discarded.
User Action
Note the system message and alert activity at the time this message was issued, and contact Precisely support.
EVO154 server Server connection lost on port number
Message Variables
server Ironstream server process on the OVOW server number Port number
Message Description
The mainframe agent lost its connection to the OVOW server.
System Action
The port number is reset to allow re-connections. If message buffering is active, mainframe messages will be written to the buffer file until the connection to the OVOW server is re-established.
User Action
Use the Ironstream Configuration Tool on the OVOW server to verify the Ironstream processes are running.
EVO155 server Server connection established on port number
Message Variables
server Ironstream server process on the OVOW server number Port number
Message Description
The mainframe agent has made a connection to the server process on the OVOW server.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
EVO156 Invalid connection attempt from different servers
Message Variables
Message Description Two Ironstream proxy server components attempted to connect to the agent's TCP/IP ports, with one server taking the Message port and the other taking the Command port. The Ironstream design requires that both ports communicate with server processes on the same Ironstream proxy server.
System Action
The TCP subtask terminates both TCP connections and resets. If the server conflict continues for more than the number of restarts allowed for the TCP subtask, then the TCP subtask will shut down completely, requiring a manual restart using the INIT console command, or restarting the mainframe job.
User Action
The mainframe task's SYSPRINT will give a detailed message identifying the source of the two server connection attempts. Terminate the Ironstream processes on one of the servers. If multiple Ironstream clients are desired to connect to the same mainframe agent, then add another TCP subtask card to the SYSIN deck with different port numbers, and refer to that new set of port numbers in the EVOMF_HCI_AGENT_PORT and EVOMF_CMDS_AGENT_PORT fields in the mainframe node configuration file on the Ironstream proxy server.
EVO157 Unable to convert segment text due to NLS error
Message Variables
segment Portion of the message that failed
Message Description
A failure occurred either when converting a message from the local codeset to UTF-8 for delivery to the OM server or when converting an incoming command from UTF-8 to the local codeset.
System Action
The message/command is dropped.
User Action
Record the hexadecimal message dump that appears in the SYSPRINT and contact Precisely support.
EVO158 Invalid connection attempt from address:rport to port lport
Message Variables
address Remote IP address
rport Remote port
lport Local port
Message Description
A connection was attempted to a port from an address that was restricted by the SERVERIP option on the TCP subtask definition card.
System Action
The connection is closed and the lport returns to a Listen status. If more than five distinct invalid addresses are received before a valid connection is made, the TCP subtask is stopped and will require a manual subtask restart command to be entered.
EVO160 Console command return code = rcnumber
Message Variables
rcnumber Return code from command Send subroutine
Message Description
An MVS command request completed with a non-zero return code.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
If expected command response is not received, record the return code and contact Precisely support
Message Variables
Message Description
A z/OS command issued to the CMD console failed to match any of the entries in the command filter table.
System Action
The command is not executed.
User Action
Add appropriate FILTER CMD entries (either as cards in the SYSIN deck, or dynamically using the “F VP390,FILTER ADD CMD” command) to allow the desired command to be executed.
EVO162 No valid DD names for message logging subtask
Message Variables
Message Description
No valid log file DD names were specified for the NOMATCH subtask.
System Action
The NOMATCH subtask is terminated.
User Action
Add appropriate DD names to the NOMATCH line in SYSIN, and verify that the DD names are defined in the VP390 startup JCL. Recycle the VP390 job.
Message Variables
ddname DD name of the file
Message Description
The NOMATCH subtask was unable to open the logging dataset ddname named on the SYSIN card for the NOMATCH initialization.
System Action
The NOMATCH subtask attempts to open the next dataset in the list.
User Action
Verify that the DD name given on the SYSIN card has a matching DD card in the VP390 startup JCL. Verify that the dataset named for that DD name is defined with the DCB values stated in the Ironstream for ServiceNow Discovery for IBM Z Installation Guide.
EVO164 Message logging is closing dataset
Message Variables
dataset Log dataset name. If the log is a PDS member, the member name will be appended to the dataset name in parentheses.
Message Description
The NOMATCH subtask is closing the dataset logging dataset, either because of subtask termination or because an attempt to write to the dataset failed (usually because the dataset has been filled.)
System Action
If the dataset closing was due to a write failure, the NOMATCH subtask attempts to open the next dataset in its list of defined DDs.
User Action
EVO165 Message logging is wrapping to the first file
Message Variables
Message Description
The NOMATCH subtask has reached the end of its list of valid logfile DD names.
System Action
The NOMATCH subtask wraps back to re-open the first DD in the list. The existing data in that logfile will be purged and overwritten.
User Action
EVO170 Unable to open message buffering file ddname
Message Variables
ddname DD name of the file
Message Description
The message buffering facility was unable to open the dataset ddname for buffering messages while the TCP/IP connection to the OVOW server is down.
System Action
No message buffering will occur while the TCP/IP connection is down.
User Action
Verify that the DD name on the TCP SYSIN card for message buffering has a matching DD card in the VP390 startup JCL. Verify that the dataset named for that DD name is defined with the DCB values stated in the Ironstream for ServiceNow Discovery for IBM Z Installation Guide. Recycle the VP390 job if any changes are made to the SYSIN cards or the startup JCL.
EVO178 Unable to process compressed CICS SMF record, RC = returncode
Message Variables
Returncode Return code from the CSRCESRV call, in decimal
Message Description
An SMF record from CICS was marked with the data compression flag, and the compressed data was sent to the CSRCESRV system utility routine to expand the data, but the CSRCESRV returned an error.
System Action
The SMF record is dropped and will not be processed by Ironstream.
User Action
In the IBM z/OS MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference, check the CSRCESRV return code value in the “SERVICE=EXPAND” table of return codes.
Message Variables
exitname Load module name of the exit program, one of: EVIEFU83, EVIEFU84, EVIEFU85
Message Description
An SMF exit program attempted to copy an SMF record to the Ironstream dataspace, but was unable due to size restrictions.
System Action
The SMF record is dropped and will not be processed by Ironstream.
User Action
The most common cause of this error is that the dataspace is too small to hold the SMF record(s) that the exit program is trying to copy. Either increase the size of the dataspace (the default size is 10 million bytes) using the “SMFDATASPACE” parameter card in the SYSIN deck, or increase the frequency that the dataspace is polled by reducing the INTERVAL option on the “SMF” parameter card in the SYSIN deck.
EVO205 MVS console name reached memory limit. Data lost
Message Variables
name VP390 console name
Message Description The extended console defined for the VP390 job has filled all available cells in the data space. The incoming message is not queued.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
Check the status of the extended console with the DISPLAY CONSOLES,CN=name command. If messages do not resume queuing to the extended console, recycle the VP390 job, making sure the console shuts down without any problems. You may need to define a new console with a larger message data space.
EVO206 MVS console name reached queue limit, data lost
Message Variables
name VP390 console name
Message Description
The extended console defined for the VP390 job reached its maximum queue depth.
System Action
The incoming message is not queued. Processing continues.
User Action
Check the status of the extended console with the DISPLAY CONSOLES,CN=name command. If messages do not resume queuing to the extended console, recycle the VP390 job, making sure the console shuts down without any problems. Use the QL parameter on the MVS SYSIN card to increase the queue size of the console. See the definition of the MVS Parameter Card in the Ironstream for ServiceNow Discovery for IBM Z Installation Guide.
EVO207 MVS console name stopped by internal error
Message Variables
name VP390 console name
Message Description
The extended console defined for the VP390 job received an error while processing its message queues.
System Action
VP390 deactivates the console and stops the MVS subtask.
User Action
Recycle the subtask, then issue a DISPLAY CONSOLES,CN=name command to check the status of the name console.
EVO208 MVS console name reached alert percentage
Message Variables
name VP390 console name
Message Description
The number of messages queued to the extended console reached a pre-specified alert percentage of the maximum queue depth.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
Verify that desired MVS messages are being sent to the Discovery probe client. Check the status of the extended console with the command: DISPLAY CONSOLES,CN=name If the queue shortage is not relieved shortly, recycle the VP390 job, making sure the console shuts down without any problems. Use the QL parameter on the MVS SYSIN card to increase the queue size of the console. See the definition of the MVS parameter card in the Ironstream for ServiceNow Discovery for IBM Z Installation Guide.
EVO209 MVS console namesuspended by request
Message Variables
name VP390 console name
Message Description
A condition developed in the extended console defined for the VP390 job that caused the operating system to request console deactivation.
System Action
VP390 deactivates the console and stops the MVS subtask.
User Action
Recycle the subtask, then issue the command: DISPLAY CONSOLES,CN=name to check the status of the name console.
EVO210 MVS console name alert ECB posted for unknown reason
Message Variables
name VP390 console name
Message Description
The extended console defined for the VP390 job is posted with an alert indicating a problem, but no error flags are set in the console status area.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
Check the condition of the console with the command: DISPLAY CONSOLES,CN=name
EVO211 DOM source key
Message Variables
source message deletion type, either "MSGKEY" or "TOKEN"
key identifying number of the original message
Message Description
The operating system has issued a Delete Operator Message notification that a previous message (identified by a MSGKEY) or group of messages (identified by a TOKEN) have been deleted from the console.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
If DOM processing is active in the VP390 job (activated by the "DOM" option on the MVS parameter card in SYSIN), then this message will be sent to the OM server. It can be used for automatically acknowledging an existing message on the OM browser. See "Using DOM Information" in Chapter 3 for more information.
EVO214 DOM flag updated
Message Variables
Message Description
In response to a MODIFY command, the VP390 job has changed its processing of operating system DOM messages. See "About DOM Commands" in Appendix A.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
EVO215 PERF parameter updated
Message Variables
Message Description
In response to a MODIFY command, the VP390 job has updated its timing intervals for performance data gathering. See "About PERF Commands" in Appendix A.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
EVO216 SMF buffer size changed from old to new
Message Variables
old Previous size of the SMF buffer, in bytes
new Updated size of the SMF buffer, in bytes
Message Description
In response to a MODIFY command, the VP390 job has changed the size of the SMF data collection buffer. See the description of the SMFBUFFER command of "About PERF Commands" in Appendix A.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
EVO217 Debug for task changed from old to new
Message Variables
task Subtask name
old Previous debug value
new Updated debug value
Message Description
In response to a MODIFY command, VP390 has updated the debugging value for the specified subtask task. The amount of debug information collected varies by subtask, with "0" indicating no debugging. Debug information is written to the SYSYPRINT DD of the VP390 job. Debug information should only be collected at the request of Precisely support.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
EVO230 Unable to initialize RMA Rexx environment
Message Variables None.
Message Description The RMA subtask could not find the IRXEXEC program, which is necessary for initiating Rexx programs from VP390.
System Action The RMA subtask terminates.
User Action Verify that the IRXEXEC program exists in the system LPALST.
Message Variables
name Name of NetView/390 PPI subtask
Message Description
The program-to-program interface subtask for the VP390 job is successfully initialized in the NetView/390 address space.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
Message Variables
name Name of NetView/390 PPI subtask
Message Description
The program-to-program interface task for the VP390 job is terminated in the NetView/390 address space.
System Action
Processing continues, but VP390 no longer receives unsolicited VTAM messages from NetView/390.
User Action
Restart NetView/390 if it is terminated. If only the PPI subtask is terminated, restart the subtask from a NetView/390 operator session with the START TASK=name command.
Message Variables
name Name of NetView/390 PPI subtask
Message Description
The VP390 PPI program running in the NetView address space received an error return code from the NetView/390 macro DSIFRE while attempting to free the 4K work area of memory during subtask shutdown.
System Action
Subtask shutdown processing continues.
User Action
Notify the system programmer that a potential memory leak exists in the currently running NetView/390.
Message Variables
name Name of NetView/390 PPI subtask
Message Description
The VP390 PPI program running in the NetView address space received an error return code from NetView/390 macro DSIFRE while attempting to free all remaining subtask memory during subtask shutdown.
System Action
Subtask shutdown processing continues.
User Action
Notify the system programmer that a potential memory leak exists in the currently running NetView/390.
Message Variables
name Name of NetView/390 PPI subtask
Message Description
The VP390 PPI program running in the NetView address space received an error return code from NetView/390 macro DSIFRE while attempting to free the memory allocated for the private message queue.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
Notify the system programmer that a potential memory leak exists in the currently running NetView/390.
Message Variables
name Name of NetView/390 PPI subtask
Message Description
The VP390 PPI program running in the NetView address space failed to get a 4K block of memory for use during processing.
System Action
Task termination flag is set.
User Action
Notify the system programmer that a potential memory shortage exists in the currently running NetView/390. The region size of the NetView/390 address space may need to be increased.
EVO308 name : ENQ ERROR
Message Variables
name Name of NetView/390 PPI subtask
Message Description
An ENQ on the NetView/390 TVB chain failed.
System Action
If not already in termination processing, the task termination flag is set.
User Action
Notify the system programmer. Restart the subtask.
EVO309 name : DEQ ERROR
Message Variables
name Name of NetView/390 PPI subtask
Message Description
A DEQ on the NetView/390 TVB chain failed.
System Action
If not already in termination processing, the task termination flag is set.
User Action
Notify the system programmer. Restart the subtask.
Message Variables
Name Name of NetView/390 PPI subtask
Message Description
The VP390 PPI subtask attempted to add itself to the NetView/390 TVB chain, but found another task with the same name already on the chain.
System Action
The task termination flag is set.
User Action
Verify that another instance of the subtask is not already running under this NetView/390. Restart the subtask.
Message Variables
name Name of NetView/390 PPI subtask
Message Description
The loading of the CNMNETV module into NetView virtual storage completed successfully.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
Message Variables
name Name of NetView/390 PPI subtask
Message Description
The loading of the CNMNETV module into virtual storage failed.
System Action
The subtask terminates.
User Action
Verify that load module CNMNETV exists in a NetView/390 STEPLIB dataset. Restart the subtask.
Message Variables
name Name of NetView/390 PPI subtask
rcnumber Hexadecimal return code from CNMNETV call
Message Description
A call to the CNMNETV interface routine failed.
System Action
The message is discarded.
User Action
For explanations of return codes, see the TME 10 NetView for OS/390 Application Programmer's Guide.
Message Variables
name Name of NetView/390 PPI subtask
Message Description
A message was successfully received from the PPI interface routine. This message is used for debugging purposes only. It is not displayed unless the subtask is reassembled with the CMDREC lines uncommented.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
Message Variables
autotask Name of NetView/390 autotask that executes the command
Message Description
A failure occurred in a command that was to be executed under NetView/390 on behalf of Ironstream.
System Action
The command is discarded.
User Action
Verify that the autotask defined under NetView/390 during Ironstream installation is active. Verify that the NTICMD and NTIMVS command lists are present in a NetView/390 DSICLD dataset. Verify that the name in the EVOCMD_OPERATOR field on the OVOW server (which was filled in while running the Add Node function) matches the autotask name defined under NetView/390.
Message Variables
region Name of CICS region
trans Four-character transaction ID
used Number of seconds used
thresh Maximum number of seconds defined in threshold table
Message Description
A CICS transaction trans running under the CICS region region has completed, but the transaction time used exceeded the number of clock seconds thresh that was defined in the EVTHRTBL table.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
This message is sent to the system console. If desired, add the “EVO351” message ID to the VP390 filter table to forward it to the server as an alert.
Message Variables
Message Description
The EVXMNOUT exit was called by CICS after the completion of a CICS transaction, but there was no monitoring resource record created for the XMNOUT exit program.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
Check with the system programmer that there are no errors in the CICS region.
EVO595 Command entered: cmdtxt
Message Variables
cmdtxt Text of command entered
Message Description
The VP390 job received a command from a console.
System Action
Processing continues with the execution of the command.
User Action None.
Message Variables
Message Description
This message is the header of a table which is generated in response to a SHOW TASK console command. Additional EVO600 messages will follow with data for each subtask.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
Message Variables
Message Description
This message is the header of a table which is generated in response to a SHOW ADDR console command. Additional EVO603 messages will follow with data for each subtask.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
Message Variables
Message Description
This message is the header of a table which is generated in response to a SHOW FLOW console command. Additional EVO605 messages will follow with data for each subtask.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
Message Variables
Message Description
This message is the header of a table which is generated in response to a SHOW VERSION console command. Additional EVO608 messages will follow with data for each subtask.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
EVO609 type filters:
Message Variables
type Filter type, "Message"
Message Description
This message is the start of a list of filter table entries which is generated in response to a SHOW FILTER console command. Additional EVO609 messages will follow with lists of filter table entries. Message IDs will be listed four per line after the EVO609.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
EVO610 type filter data action
Message Variables
type Filter type, "Message"
data User-entered data
action Command action, either "added" or "deleted"
Message Description
Verification message to indicate that the message of filter table action entered from a VP390 MODIFY command has completed successfully.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
EVO611 type filter data not found
Message Variables
type Filter type, either "Message", "JOBNAME", or "JOBID"
data User-entered data
Message Description
A VP390 MODIFY command could not find the data entry when attempting to delete it from the message table.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
Use the SHOW FILTER command to see the names of the currently defined message filters.
EVO612 No type filters defined
Message Variables
type Filter type, "message" or "alert" or "command"
Message Description
A VP390 MODIFY command could not any filters of the type to display.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
EVO613 All type filters deleted
Message Variables
type Filter type: "message and alert and command"
Message Description
A FILTER DEL ALL command has successfully deleted all message filter table entries.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
EVO614 No suppressed messages
Message Variables
Message Description
The VP390 message suppression table has no entries to display as a result of a SHOW SUPPRESS command.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
EVO615 Suppressed message IDs:
Message Variables
Message Description
This message is the header of a table which is generated in response to a SHOW SUPPRESS console command. Additional EVO615 messages will follow with a list of VP390 message IDs, eight per line that should not be sent to the console.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
EVO616 action suppression of msgid
Message Variables
action Suppression action, either "Added" or "Removed".
msgid VP390 message ID
Message Description
Verification message to indicate that the action to suppress or unsuppress a VP390 message ID from printing on the system console has completed successfully.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
EVO617 Message ID msgid not found in suppression table
Message Variables
msgid VP390 message ID
Message Description
An attempt to UNSUPPRESS a message ID in the VP390 message suppression table failed. The message ID given was not found in the table.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
Use the SHOW SUPPRESS command to see the list of message IDs currently in the table. Use only the 3-digit suffix of the message ID when issuing an UNSUPPRESS command.
EVO625 SMF captured types(subtypes)
Message Variables
Message Description
This message is the start of a list of SMF record types and subtypes which is generated in response to a SHOW SMFRECS console command. This message illustrates that subtypes are listed in parentheses following their parent type.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
EVO627 REC=style(types)
Message Variables
style Description of filtering of SMF records listed, either “TYPE” or “NOTYPE”.
types List of SMF record types and subtypes
Message Description
The style value indicates whether the list of SMF record types/subtype are those that are collected by the agent and sent on to the server (TYPE) or those that are ignored by the agent (NOTYPE). This matches the syntax format of the SMF record collection option in the system SMFPRMxx member.
The types values are the list of SMF record types that follow the style rule. Subtypes are listed in parentheses immediately after their parent type. Ranges of types or subtypes are indicated by a colon.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
EVO628 count SMF record copy failures
Message Variables
count Number of SMF records lost
Message Description
This message displays the number of SMF records that were received but not recorded due to a lack of room in the Ironstream dataspace.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
If count is greater than 0, consider either (1) increasing the frequency that the SMF subtask reads and clears the dataspace by lowering the INTERVAL value of the SMF parameter card in SYSIN, or (2) increasing the size of the dataspace by modifying the SMFDATASPACE parameter card in SYSIN.
EVO690 VP390 STOP Command accepted
Message Variables
Message Description
The VP390 task has received a STOP command.
System Action
Processing continues with shutdown of any active subtasks, then ends the main task.
User Action
EVO695 VP390 cmdtype command processed
Message Variables
cmdtype Command type
Message Description
The VP390 job completed the initial processing of a console command. Additional messages may be sent, depending on whether additional work is being done by subtasks.
System Action
User Action
EVO698 Subtask task is already status
Message Variables
task Subtask name
status Current subtask status, either "active" or "inactive"
Message Description
A request to activate or deactivate a VP390 subtask was not processed because the subtask is already in that state.
System Action
User Action
Use the SHOW TASK command to verify the status of the VP390 subtasks.
EVO699 Invalid operator command entered
Message Variables
Message Description
An invalid MODIFY command was sent to the VP390 task.
System Action
User Action
See Appendix A for syntax rules of MODIFY commands.
EVO701 Starting subtask #idnum for info
Message Variables
idnum Numerical ID for the newly started subtask
info Information sent to the ATTACH macro
Message Description
VP390 attached a subtask with the information provided in info.
System Action
Processing continues with the ATTACH attempt.
User Action
EVO702 Buffer size = sizeM, Queue depth = totalmsg, Maximum = maxmsg
Message Variables
size Size (in megabytes) allocated for messages
totalmsg Total message queue depth
maxmsg Maximum message queue depth permitted
Message Description
A message queuing problem occurred for an MCS console defined for VP390. This message will be displayed only in the VP390 job log. Additional message(s) giving more detailed information about the problem may appear on the system console at the same time.
System Action
Processing continues. The MCS console may be terminated, depending on the severity of the queuing problem.
User Action
Monitor the VP390 job log and system console for the next message and necessary action.
EVO703 Console name is utilizing pct% of message queue
Message Variables
name Name of defined extended console
pct Percentage of console queue in use
Message Description
This message is generated when the extended console for gathering MVS messages has a backlog of messages on its queue to be processed by the VP390 task. pct tells what percentage of the console's queue is in use. This message is only generated when using the QLP option of the MVS SYSIN card.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
The extended console name may need to be re-defined with a larger queue size. See the QL and QLP options of the MVS parameter card in the Installation Guide.
EVO704 Console name queue backlog has been relieved
Message Variables
name Name of defined extended console
Message Description
This message is generated after an EVO703 message is issued to announce that the console message queue shortage has been relieved. This message is only generated when using the QLP option of the MVS SYSIN card.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
The extended console name may need to be re-defined with a larger queue size. See the QL and QLP options of the MVS parameter card in the Ironstream for ServiceNow Discovery for IBM Z Installation Guide This message can be used for automatically acknowledging an existing EVO703 message on the OM browser.
EVO778 RMF data not available, rc=code
Message Variables
code Return code
Message Description
The VP390 job encountered an error while attempting to collect system data from the mainframe Resource Measurement Facility (RMF) for an ev390hostcmd 46 option 02 call.
System Action
The OSINFO subtask will send an EVO131 error message in response to the ev390hostcmd explaining that the command had failed to complete.
User Action
The meaning of the return code can be looked up in Chapter 1 of the IBM Resource Measurement Facility Programmer's Guide under the section of "Return Codes" for the ERBSMFI command.
Message Variables
Message Description
An error was detected when attempting to activate an EMCS console named EVORXCON.
System Action
The command ends.
User Action
Use the DISPLAY CONSOLES,CN=EVORXCON command to verify that an EMCS console with that name does not already exist.
Message Variables
Message Description
An error was detected when attempting to retrieve console messages.
System Action
The command ends.
User Action
Look for previous errors that may have caused this condition.
Message Variables
Message Description
An error was detected while attempting to deactivate an EMCS console.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
Look for previous errors that may have caused the condition. Deactivate the console before issuing the EVORXCON command again.
EVO901 Stopping subtask #number: name
Message Variables
number Subtask number
name Subtask name
Message Description
This message is issued in response to a STOP command. One message is issued for each VP390 subtask.
System Action
A termination command is sent to each of the existing subtasks.
User Action
EVO902 name subtask terminated, RC = rcnumber
Message Variables
name Name of subtask
rcnumber Return code from termination call
Message Description
The named subtask is terminated.
System Action
Any queues or memory allocated for the subtask are freed.
User Action
EVO903 name type queue freed, RC = rcnumber
Message Variables
name Name of subtask
type Queue type, either "Input" or "Output"
rcnumber Return code from Free call
Message Description
An allocated message queue for the named subtask has been cleared during subtask termination.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
EVO904 All VP390 subtasks completed
Message Variables
Message Description
The VP390 job completed the shutdown of all subtasks.
System Action
Processing continues with main task shutdown.
User Action
EVO905 Restart #num of subtask name will be attempted in sec seconds
Message Variables
num Count of number of restarts for this subtask
name Name of subtask
sec Number of seconds until next automatic restart attempt
Message Description
The subtask name has been terminated, but will be automatically restarted in sec seconds.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
EVO906 No auto restart for name - Use INIT command to restart
Message Variables
name Name of subtask
Message Description
The subtask name has terminated and will not restart because it has exceeded the number of automatic restarts allowed.
System Action
Processing continues.
User Action
Use the console INIT command to restart the subtask. See Appendix A for the syntax of the INIT command. Use the console command SHOW TASK to see how many restarts are allowed for each subtask. To change the number of automatic restarts that a subtask is allowed, add a RESTART card to the SYSIN deck just prior to the name subtask parameter card. See the "RESTART Parameter Card" in the Ironstream for ServiceNow Discovery for IBM Z Installation Guide for the syntax of the RESTART card.