Create a custom powerShell command - ironstream_for_servicenow_event_mgmt - 7.4

Ironstream for ServiceNow® Event Management for IBM Z Administration

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Ironstream > Ironstream for ServiceNow® Event Management
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lronstream for ServiceNow Event Management for IBM Z
Ironstream for ServiceNow® Event Management for IBM Z Administration
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This section details the creation of a PowerShell Custom Activity using the shipped EV390_IST105I_Activity as an example. This activity will execute the Powershell command given to it.


  • Select Ironstream Mainframe Event Management as scoped application before launching the Workflow Editor
  • Enter a PowerShell hostname as an input parameter
  • Enter a PowerShell Command as an input parameter
  • Place all results back onto the workflow data stream for handling
  • Have both Success and Failure handling


  1. In your instance go to Orchestration > Workflow Editor, and open the Workflow Editor
  2. In the Workflow Editor, go to the Custom tab and click the plus ("+") button to create a new Activity. This will display the context menu where you can choose a custom Activity Template.
  3. Choose the Powershell Template from the menu. This will display the Activity Designer with the template form.
  4. Fill out the form with this details:
    Name: EV390_IST105I _Activity
    Short Description: Execute VTAM display command
    Accessible from: All application scopes
    Category: PowerShell
    Description: Execute VTAM display command
  5. Click on the Continue button to display the Inputs form.
  6. Add three fields under Input{}:
    Name: Node Type: String
    Name: Host Type: String
    Name: vtam_resource Type: String
  7. Click on the Go to Pre-Processing button to display the Pre-Processing form.
  8. Fill in the Pre-Processing form with this logging for troubleshooting:
    Input process script:
    var location = 'WFEV390_IST105I: Run PowerShell EV390_IST105I Inputs Activity';
    if (activityInput.Node !== null) { '---> [{1}-{2}] activityInput.Node: {0}', 
    		[activityInput.Node, new GlideDateTime().getNumericValue(), location]); 
    else { '---> [{1}-{2}] bad Node: {0} does not exist.', 
            [activityInput.Node, new GlideDateTime().getNumericValue(), location]);  
    if (activityInput.Host !== null) { '---> [{1}-{2}] activityInput.Host: {0}', 
    	  [activityInput.Host, new GlideDateTime().getNumericValue(), location]); 
    else { '---> [{1}-{2}] bad Host: {0} does not exist.', 
           [activityInput.Host, new GlideDateTime().getNumericValue(), location]);  
    if (activityInput.vtam_resource !== null) { '---> [{1}-{2}] activityInput.vtam_resource: {0}', 
    	[activityInput.vtam_resource, new GlideDateTime().getNumericValue(), location]); 
    else { '---> [{1}-{2}] bad vtam_resource: {0} does not exist.', 
            [activityInput.vtam_resource, new GlideDateTime().getNumericValue(), location]);  
  9. Click the Continue button to display the Execution Command form.

    In the Target host field, enter:


    In the Script type field, select “Custom PowerShell command”.

    In the Command field, enter:

    ev390hostcmd 40 D net,id=$vtam_resource.$Node

    In the Powershell variables fields, enter the following:
    Name Value Type
    Node ${activityInput.Node} Plain
    vtam_resource ${activityInput.vtam_resource}} Plain

    Select the box of “Use MID Service Account”.

  10. Click the Continue button to continue to the Outputs form.
  11. Add three fields under Output{}:
    Name: result Type: String
    Name: output Type: String
    Name: errorMessage Type: String
  12. Click the Go to Post-Processing button to continue.
  13. Fill in the Post-Processing form with the following:
    Output process script:
    var location = 'WFEV390_IST105I: Run PowerShell EV390_IST105I Outputs Activity';
    if (gs.nil(executionResult.error)) {
              activityOutput.result = "success";
              try {
    	    var output = executionResult.output;
    	     if (output != null) {
    		          activityOutput.output = output.substring(output.indexOf('<Objects>')); 
    	                 '---> [{1}:{2}] activityOutput.output: {0}',
    			 [activityOutput.output, new GlideDateTime().getNumericValue(), location]);    //DEBUG
    	       catch(err) {
    	              gs.error('---> [{1}:{2}] {0}', [err, new GlideDateTime().getNumericValue(), location]);
    	else {
    	         activityOutput.result = "failure";
    	         activityOutput.errorMessage = executionResult.errorMessages;
    '---> [{1}:{2}] activityOutput.errorMessage: {0}',
    		[activityOutput.errorMessage, new GlideDateTime().getNumericValue(), location]);  // DEBUG
  14. Click the Continue button to continue to the Conditions form.
  15. Add two condition fields:
    Name Condition Order
    Success activityOutput.result == 'success' 100
    Failure activityOutput.result != 'success' 200
  16. Click on the Save button to save the new Custom Activity.
  17. Click on the Publish button to make the new activity public.
  18. Verify the new custom EV390_IST105I_Activity.
  19. In the Workflow Editor navigate to Custom > Ironstream Mainframe Event Management >. You will now see the new EV390_IST105I_Activity present.

  20. Go to the Workflows tab and click the plus "+" button to create a new workflow.
  21. Fill in the New Workflow form with the following:
    Name: EV390_IST105I workflow

    Remediation Task[em_remediation_task]

    Description: Run the VTAM display on inactive resource
    If condition matches: Run the workflow always
  22. Click the Submit button to start building your workflow.
  23. Drag your custom EV390_IST105I_Activity onto the new workflow and fill in the properties form with the following:
    Name: EV390_IST105I Activity Input
    Node: ${workflow.scratchpad.node}
    Host: ${}
    Vtam Resource: ${workflow.scratchpad.vtam_resource}
  24. Click the Submit button to save the activity to the workflow.
  25. To access the results for the Custom Activity, add a Run Script Activity after the EV390_IST105I Activity Input in the Success branch. The after-activity results from your Custom Activity are available for coding in the Data tab and might have a different data objects number than the data.get(4) used here. (See the two items marked in red.)
    Note: It is important to understand that workflow.scratchpad (and other workflow variables) are not available inside the Custom Activity.
  26. Go to Core tab > Utilities and drag out a Run Script activity onto the Success output line of your custom activity.
  27. Fill in the properties form with the following:

    Name: Handle Results

    var location = 'WFEV390_IST105I:' + + '.' +;
    var psScriptTest = data.get(4);
    try {'---> [{1}:{2}] previous_activity.result: {0}', 
    		[psScriptTest.result, new GlideDateTime().getNumericValue(), location]);'---> [{1}:{2}] previous_activity.output: {0}', 
    		[psScriptTest.output, new GlideDateTime().getNumericValue(), location]);'---> [{1}:{2}] previous_activity.errorMessage: {0}', 
    		[psScriptTest.errorMessage, new GlideDateTime().getNumericValue(), location]);    
    var results = {output : '', error : ''};    
    results.output = psScriptTest.output;    
    results.error = psScriptTest.errorMessage;'---> [{1}:{2}] {0}', 
    	[results.output, new GlideDateTime().getNumericValue(), location]);    
    workflow.scratchpad.output = results; // pass the results out onto the data stream
    // Get current task record object
    var gr = new GlideRecord("em_remediation_task");
    gr.addQuery( "number", current.number );"current.number:"+current.number);
    if ( ) {
       // Add command output as attachment to this record
       var attachment = new GlideSysAttachment();
       var attachment_sys_id = attachment.write( gr, "cmdoutput.txt", "txt", psScriptTest.output );"attachment_sys_id:"+attachment_sys_id);
    // Put command output in description field up to limit of field
    current.description = psScriptTest.output;	
    catch(err) {
    	gs.error('---> [{1}:{2}]\n{0}', 
    		[err, new GlideDateTime().getNumericValue(),location]);
  28. Click the Submit button to save your Activity to the workflow.
  29. Add another Run Script Activity into the Failure output of the EV390_IST105I Activity Input. (Best Practice: You should always handle potential errors!)
  30. Fill out the form with the following:

    Name: Handle Failure

    var location = 'WFEV390_IST105I:' + + '.' +;
    var psScriptTest = data.get(4);
    try {'---> [{1}:{2}] previous_activity.result: {0}', 
    			[psScriptTest.result, new GlideDateTime().getNumericValue(), location]);'---> [{1}:{2}] previous_activity.output: {0}', 
    			[psScriptTest.output, new GlideDateTime().getNumericValue(), location]);    
    	gs.error('---> [{1}:{2}] previous_activity.errorMessage: {0}', 
    			[psScriptTest.errorMessage, new GlideDateTime().getNumericValue(), location]);    
    	// package up the results for pushing onto the workflow (future use)
    	var results = {output : '', error : ''};    
    	results.output = psScriptTest.output;    
    	results.error = psScriptTest.errorMessage;'---> [{1}:{2}] {0}', 
    		[results.output, new GlideDateTime().getNumericValue(),location]);    
    	workflow.scratchpad.output = results; // pass the results onto the data stream
    catch(err) {
    	gs.error('---> [{1}:{2}]\n{0}', 
    		[err, new GlideDateTime().getNumericValue(),location]);
  31. Wire up the workflow to match this diagram: