Explode Process Impact on Business Name Matching Tables - VeriMove - 4.0

VeriMove Installation

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Data Quality - Postals
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VeriMove Installation
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VeriMove uses three tables during the Business Name Matching process to compare records in your input file against the NCOALink data. These three tables, formatted and installed in the Tables directory during VeriMove installation, are only used for Business Name Matching. These tables do not change your input records and do not affect VeriMove output of business names but are simply used to aid in comparing your input records against the NCOALink data to determine a Business Name match.

Table Name Description
REDEFINES-WORD-LIST.txt Maps commonly used abbreviations to full words
JUNK-WORD-LIST.txt Words that are ignored during Business Name Matching
COMMON-WORD-LIST.txt Words that are given higher value when calculating Business Name Match percentages (used to determine whether or not a match has been achieved)

Each time you explode the NCOALink files to your database location, these files are copied from the Tables directory to your database location. Subsequent VeriMove installations will overwrite these tables with the tables VeriMove used to certify with the USPS. If you customize these tables, be sure to backup these files before installing a new VeriMove release. After installing a new VeriMove release, replace the installed VeriMove USPS-certified tables with the backup versions of your customized tables.

Note: IMPORTANT! Precisely certifies VeriMove with the USPS using these three tables. Editing these tables may result in an increase or decrease in your Business Name Matching rate. If your Business Name Matching rate changes significantly, the USPS may audit your Business Name Matching results and require you to recertify using your customized versions of these three tables.

For more information, please refer to the section "Using Business Name Matching" in Chapter 4, Defining a Job in your VeriMove User's Guide.