The following table provides information on error messages you may encounter when processing with VeriMove Access.
Error Type | Error Code | Description |
General issue | -1 0 |
Unknown General issue. Possible Solutions:
Completed successfully |
Job definition | 7003 | Problem with reading Job definition file Possible Solution:
Command line | 7004 | Problem parsing the command line arguments Possible Solution:
Logon Errors | 10030 10031 10100 10200 10210 10300 10400 |
Logon Canceled by user List ID selection failure Could not open a connection to the specified URL No List IDs registered Logon Failed Possible invalid/expired PAF User not authorized or connection error Possible Solutions:
Session Errors | 11100 11120 11200 11900 |
Problem occurred with the session Unsupported Request Type Job Already running under current List ID Session expired Possible Solutions:
Job Run | 15999 | Error while attempting to run job. Possible Solutions:
Download/Upload | 10001 11101 11400 |
File Upload/Download failure Error Downloading file Error in file transfer Possible Solutions:
Web Server | 11700 12200 15000 |
Specified file does not exist Issue with SQL DB updating on server side Unable to find directory used by SQL server Possible Solutions: