You can execute multiple VeriMove jobs concurrently in the z/OS environment. VeriMove interacts with the operating system as follows:
- VeriMove opens the Job Statistics dataset at end of job, writes a single statistical record, and closes the Job Statistics dataset immediately for each MU execution. The Job Statistics dataset is only open for a brief period of time minimizing the possibility of two jobs trying to access the Job Statistics dataset at the same time.
- If two jobs attempt to write to the Job Statistics data set at the same time, the z/OS operating system holds subsequent VeriMove jobs only for the brief period of time that the Job Statistics dataset is open during the processing of the previously-submitted VeriMove job.
The VeriMove USPS reporting module uses all information found in the Job Statistics dataset. Generated reports are not based on the sequence of information in the Job Statistics dataset.
Note: Before running concurrent jobs on z/OS, determine how you want to handle the three VeriMove output files defined by the OUTPUT, SIDEOUT, and JOBSTAT DD statements. You must assign the DD statements for the OUTPUT and SIDEOUT files to different datasets for each concurrent job. You can assign the DD statement for the JOBSTAT file to the same dataset or to different datasets based on job or run type. If you use multiple JOBSTAT datasets, you may need to concatenate those datasets in the MUREPORT JCL to produce a single set of reports for the USPS.