To run jobs on z/OS, follow these steps.
Use the Windows UI to create the customers, operators,
and brokers/agents/list administrators, and to define the job you want to run. For
more information, see Defining Customers, Operators, and BALAs and Defining a Job.
Note: You can also create the job definition by using a text editor to create an XML file using the parameters described in the VeriMove Reference Guide. However, to ensure that your job definition is valid, we recommend that you use the Windows UI.
- Export your job from the Windows UI. For instructions, see Exporting a Job.
Run MU.
The MU program in 'yourhlq.VERIMOVE.LOADLIB' is executed to run an input file to create two output files and a processing summary report. The JCL used to run MU differs depending on the type of database you use as described below.
- Hash File Database — To run with the hash file database, edit 'yourhlq.VERIMOVE.INSTALIB(MU)', inserting a job card at the top of the file, and doing a "change all" on the lowercase variables as described at the top of the file. In particular, please note the following:
- yourUspsData — Location of the USPS database relative to yourhlq (for example, 'VERIMOVE.USPS').
- yourJob — Location of your job description file relative to 'yourhlq' (for example, 'VERIMOVE.SAMPJOBD(IVPXCASS)').
- yourInput — Location of your input file relative to 'yourhlq' (for example, 'VERIMOVE.SAMPDATA').
- yourOuput1 — Location of your first output file (as required in the job description) relative to 'yourhlq' for example, VERIMOVE.OUTPUT).
- yourOutput2 — Location of your second output file (if required in the job description) relative to 'yourhlq' (for example, VERIMOVE.SIDEOUT).
- yourSummary — Location of your processing summary report relative to 'yourhlq' (for example, VERIMOVE.SUMRPT).
- Single Flat File Database — If you are using the single flat file database, use MUF (or MUFO for an old database format) instead of MU. Also be sure that the line "NCOA Use Flat Single=1" is set in "yourhlq.VERIMOVE.SAMPCNFG".
- 26 Flat File A-Z Database — If you are using the 26 flat file A-Z database, use MUFZ (or MUFZO for an old database format) instead of MU. Also be sure that the line "NCOA Use Flat Single=0" is set in "yourhlq.VERIMOVE.SAMPCNFG". Note: If you are going to be testing both single and A-Z modes, you may want to consider making a copy of SAMPCNFG for each mode and having the JCL reference those copies so that you do not have to remember to edit the configuration file before running in each mode.
- Hash File Database — To run with the hash file database, edit 'yourhlq.VERIMOVE.INSTALIB(MU)', inserting a job card at the top of the file, and doing a "change all" on the lowercase variables as described at the top of the file. In particular, please note the following:
- Execute the job on z/OS. For information on running concurrent jobs on z/OS, see Running Concurrent Jobs on z/OS .
- Generate the required USPS monthly reports on z/OS and transfer reports to Windows for emailing to USPS. See the sample JCL file MUREPORT on your VeriMove media for an example of how to generate reports. For information on MUREPORT options, see Generating Reports from the Command Line, JCL, or Script.