Setting Up Events - VeriMove - 4.0

VeriMove Guide

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Data Quality - Postals
Product name
VeriMove Guide
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Before setting up an event, make sure that the following information is available.

  • The name and location of the output file from the first program. Dispatch Manager looks for this file. This is the file that acts as the trigger.
  • The name and location of the executable file or batch file for the next program. Dispatch Manager launches this program after finding the output file from the first program.
    Note: Even after finding the trigger file and launching the next program, the Dispatch Manager continues to search for the trigger file. Each time the Dispatch Manager finds the trigger file, it launches the program again. This can result in unnecessary processing or a system crash. To prevent this problem, the program that the Dispatch Manager launches must rename or remove the trigger file.

To set up Dispatch Manager events, follow these steps.

  1. Select Start > Programs > Precisely > VeriMove > Dispatch Manager.
  2. Make sure that the status bar says "The Precisely Dispatcher service is running."
    Note: If the status bar displays a different message, see Stopping, Pausing, Continuing, and Starting Events.
  3. Click New.
  4. In the Event name field, type a name for the event.
  5. If you want the system to start checking for the file whenever the Dispatch Manager service is started, select the option Event is active when Dispatcher service is running.
  6. In the Event interval group, select the frequency with which you want Dispatch Manager to look for the file.
  7. In the Path to file field, type the name and location of the file that Dispatch Manager should look for or click Browse to select the file.
  8. In the Path to executable file field, type the name and location of the executable file that Dispatch Manager should launch.
  9. Click OK. The Dispatch Manager window appears.
  10. Click Close.