Running on Unix or Linux - VeriMove - 4.0

VeriMove Guide

Product type
Product family
Data Quality - Postals
Product name
VeriMove Guide
First publish date
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To run jobs on Unix or Linux, follow these steps.

  1. Use the Windows UI to create the customers, operators, and brokers/agents/list administrators, and to define the job you want to run. For more information, see Defining Customers, Operators, and BALAs and Defining a Job.
    Note: You can also create the job definition by using a text editor to create an XML file using the parameters described in the VeriMove Reference Guide. However, to ensure that your job definition is valid, we recommend that you use the Windows UI.
  2. Export your job from the Windows UI. For instructions, see Exporting a Job.
  3. FTP the job definition to your Unix or Linux system. Transfer the file as ASCII.
  4. Execute mu using the following syntax:
    mu <jobName> <jobDef> [-v]
    • <jobName> — Name of the VeriMove job to run.
    • <jobDef> — File name of a VeriMove job definition file to import for execution. (For information about creating a job definition file, see Creating a Job Definition File. If the job specified in the jobName parameter already exists in the VeriMove job database, then its file path attributes in the existing job definition will be carried forward as default file path values for the job defined by <jobDef>. No other attributes from the existing job definition are carried forward. If the job specified in <jobName> is for a new job, then the job defaults are the same as those for a new job defined through the UI. All file paths for a new job default to undefined and must be specified in the <jobDef>.
    • -v — Optional parameter that runs VeriMove in validation mode only. In this mode VeriMove will only validate the job definition file but will not actually process the mailing list.
      Note: You must be in the directory where mu is installed to run VeriMove. You cannot execute from another path unless you create an environment variable that contains the path to mu.
  5. Generate the required monthly reports on your Unix or Linux system.
  6. Transfer the reports to a Windows computer for emailing to the USPS. For instructions on generating reports, see Generating Reports from the Command Line, JCL, or Script.