The USPS LACSLink database contains data on address conversions. An example is an address converted from a rural route/PO box address format to a number/street address format in order to receive 911 emergency response services. The USPS LACSLink database provides mailers with a method for converting the old addresses. The USPS Change of Address (COA) database does not contain these addresses since these changes are actually conversions and not moves resulting in a change of address. LACSLink processing queries the LACSLink database to convert addresses.
The NCOALink Processing Summary Report indicates whether LACSLink processing was performed. If LACSLink processing was performed, the report includes processing statistics. For more information, see NCOA/Link Processing Summary Report.
The Qualitative Statistical Summary (QSS) section of the USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report) displays the LACSLink processing counts. For more information, see USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report).
The VeriMove CASS Postal Coder Summary Report provides details on your LACSLink database and LACSLink processing statistics. For more information on the VeriMove CASS Postal Coder Summary Report, see CASS Postal Coder Summary Report.