The USPS requires you to report your NCOALink use monthly. For information on reports and filing requirements, Monthly Reports.
The method you use to generate reports depends on your environment:
- If you execute your jobs on Windows, you can generate your reports from the VeriMove GUI, the Windows command line, or a script. For more information, see Generating Reports Using the Windows UI and Generating Reports from the Command Line, JCL, or Script.
- If you execute your jobs on Unix, Linux, or z/OS, you can generate the reports on your execution platform from the command line, JCL, or a script. For more information, see Generating Reports from the Command Line, JCL, or Script.
- If you execute your jobs on IBM i, you can use the VeriMove CHUI screens to generate the reports. For more information, see the VeriMove User's Guide for IBM i.