If you chose Use Manually Registered Statistics as the statistics source for CASS, follow these steps.
- Click the Input Definition tab.
- Click Add.
In the Name field, select the CASS-related field to be added. You must include the following required CASS-related fields in your input definition when you use External CASS.
- CASS - Match Level Indicator
- CASS - ZIP + 4 Indicator
Optionally the following fields may also be defined:
- CASS - ZIP + 4 CMRA Present
- CASS - ZIP + 4 LACS Flag
- CASS - ZIP Type
For more information on these fields, see "Detail Results Indicator Field" in Configuring Other CASS Products. Manually Registered Statistics essentially allow the individual fields of the CASS - Detail Results Indicator block to be separately specified.
- In the Position field, enter the starting position of the field.
- In the Length field, enter the number of positions in the field
- Click OK.
- After defining both required CASS fields, click OK.