Parsed data consists of a series of fields. Each parsed field contains its own type of data. VeriMove has field names for every type of parsed field. For example, a non-parsed address is:
Ms Jane Kay Jones-Smith ESQ 1212 N Main St Apt 10 P O Box 1234 Chicago, IL 60544
A parsed address is shown in the following table.
Field Name | Data |
Title | Ms. |
First name | Jane |
Middle name | Kay |
Surname | Jones |
Second surname | Smith |
Suffix | ESQ |
Range | 1212 |
Predirectional | N |
Street name | Main |
Street suffix | St |
Unit name | Apt |
Unit number | 10 |
Box type | PO Box |
Box number | 1234 |
City | Chicago |
State | IL |
ZIP Code | 60612 |