In parsed input, field position is determined by the column number in which the field begins. For example, in the following parsed input example the Surname field begins in column 30 and the Hyphenated Surname field begins in column 40.
1 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 |
Ms Mr |
Jane David Jill |
Kay Lee |
Jones Johns Kohl |
Smith | ESQ III |
1212 142 143 |
Main Ray Main |
St St St |
Title | First Name | Middle Name | Surname | Hyphenated Surname | Suffix | Second Suffix | House Number/Primary Number | Street Name | Street Suffix |
The example above also shows all titles beginning in column one, all first names beginning in column 10, all middle names beginning in column 20, etc.
When you specify a field position in VeriMove you must also specify the length of the field in addition to the starting position. In the above example:
- The Surname field has a starting position of 30 and a length of 10 (40 - 30 = 10).
- The Hyphenated Surname field has a position of 40 and a length of 10.