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Trillium Quality for SAP Field Extension Framework (CRM) Installation and Configuration Guide

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Trillium > Trillium Quality
Product name
Trillium Quality
Trillium Quality for SAP Field Extension Framework (CRM) Installation and Configuration Guide
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Before installing the SAP Field Extension Framework add-on, ensure that the following software has been installed.

Table 1. Prerequisites

Trillium for SAP

Version 15 or later

ABAP Add-on release

Version 8.4 or later


7.01/Ehp1 or later


With available enhancement packages

CRM WebClient enhancements

Implemented at level 3.*


Note: While implementing Trillium Quality Custom Field Extensions for CRM, you will be making enhancements to components BP_ADDR, BP_HEAD_SEARCH, and BP_HEAD. The instructions in this document assume that you have already enhanced components BP_ADDR and BP_HEAD_SEARCH according to the instructions in Chapter: Configure the Add-On of the Trillium for SAP Reference Guide. The instructions are found in the CRM WebClient Components > Implementing Enhancement Level 3 - BP_ ADDR and Implementing Enhancement Level 3 - BP_HEAD_SEARCH sections.

If you have not already done so, before proceeding with this installation you must first follow those instructions. Any previous settings made using the instructions for Enhancement Level 1 or Enhancement Level 2 must be backed out as a first step.

If you installed the /TSSERP/ add-on before performing the Enhancement Level 3 steps, you must not select any of the extension fields (/TSSERP/*) when initially creating the context nodes NEWADDRESS and ORIGADDRESS for view BP_ADDR/AddrDecision. You must de-select these fields in the context node creation wizard.

This product utilizes the SAP Netweaver Enhancement Framework to enhance SAP programs and data dictionary objects. It is delivered as a template to expedite customers' development projects for passing additional data to Trillium Quality. It is the customer's responsibility to adapt this template to their own requirements and maintain it in the future.

TS Quality Custom Field Extensions is delivered as an ABAP Add-on and installed using transaction SAINT. Supplemental objects to support the CRM WebClient are delivered in two transports. All objects are delivered in namespace /TSSERP/. A repair key for this namespace is installed along with the software. This allows customers to change the objects in the /TSSERP/ namespace to fit their requirements.

Warning: While these enhancements may function properly with earlier support package levels, we strongly recommend that you implement SAP_BASIS 7.01/Ehp1 or later. This enhancement package level will allow you to switch the enhancements off, if necessary. Using an earlier enhancement package will prevent you from switching off these enhancements, if that becomes necessary.