In this section, you will be making enhancements to components BP_ADDR, BP_HEAD_SEARCH, and BP_HEAD. The instructions in this document assume that you have already enhanced components BP_ADDR and BP_HEAD_SEARCH according to the instructions in Chapter 3 of the Trillium for SAP Reference Guide. The instructions are found in the CRM WebClient Components > Implementing Enhancement Level 3 - BP_ ADDR and Implementing Enhancement Level 3 - BP_HEAD_SEARCH sections.
If you have not already done so, before proceeding with this installation you must first follow those instructions. Any previous settings made using the instructions for Enhancement Level 1 or Enhancement Level 2 must be backed out as a first step.
If you installed the /TSSERP/ add-on before performing the Enhancement level 3 steps, you must not select any of the extension fields (/TSSERP/*) when initially creating the context nodes NEWADDRESS and ORIGADDRESS for view BP_ADDR/AddrDecision. You need to de-select these fields during the context node creation wizard.
There are eight enhancement views:
Each enhancement is described in the following sections.