Uninstalling Trillium Quality for Dynamics - trillium_quality - Latest

Trillium Quality for Dynamics Installation and Developer Guide

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Trillium Quality
Trillium Quality for Dynamics Installation and Developer Guide
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Uninstalling version 2.8.1 of Trillium Quality for Dynamics removes Trillium Quality for Dynamics solutions and associated components from your Dynamics 365 environment. All components added by Trillium Quality for Dynamics installation, such as Trillium fields and reports, are removed.
Note: Uninstalling Trillium Quality for Dynamics removes all Trillium fields from your records. Data stored in those fields will no longer be available.

If you are upgrading to a new version of Trillium Quality for Dynamics, see Migration Steps Depend on Your Prior Version for migration information before uninstalling Trillium Quality for Dynamics.

Uninstalling Trillium Quality for Dynamics does not uninstall the Trillium EDQ, GAV tables, or Control Center components.
Note: Backing up your database before uninstalling Trillium Quality for Dynamics is a recommended best practice.

To uninstall version 2.8.1 of Trillium Quality for Dynamics

  1. Log on to Dynamics 365 as a user with administrator privileges.

  2. Open the Trillium Quality for Dynamics solution:

    • If you used a separate solution for customizations, select Settings > Solutions and open the solution.

    • If you did not use a separate solution for customizations, select Settings > Customizations > Customize the System.

  3. Remove solution libraries, fields, and other dependencies from all CRM forms, views, filter criteria, search fields and so on.

    Note: Do not remove fields from entity field lists. The solution must be deleted before removing fields from entities.

    For example, if the main form for the Contact entity has been modified for Trillium Quality for Dynamics:

    1. Select Entities > Contact > Forms and open the main form.

    2. Remove the TSS Duplicates and any other TSS fields from the form.

    3. Click Form Properties.

    4. Remove the tss_ libraries and click OK. Removing the libraries will automatically remove all linkages.

    5. Click Save and Publish to save your changes, and close the form window.

    6. Repeat Step a through Step e for each entity and form modified for Trillium Quality for Dynamics, including contact, account, lead, customer address, TSS Match Display, and custom entities.

      Note: When modifying the TSS Match Display entity, in addition to removing the libraries be sure to remove the display setting. On the entity’s General tab, under Areas that display this entity, uncheck any selected options. If you have added any other Trillium entities to a display, remove those settings also.
    7. Click Publish All Customizations and close the Solution window.

  4. On the machine from which you deployed Trillium Quality for Dynamics, from the Start menu select Trillium Software > Trillium Quality for Dynamics n.n.n. Right-click Deployment Manager and select Run as administrator. The Deployment Manager window opens.

    Note: The Uninstall option in the Trillium Software program group uninstalls the program but does not reverse the deployment of Trillium Quality for Dynamics. You will use the Uninstall option after using the Deployment Manager.
  5. Click the Removal Steps tab. Click Save to save your settings if prompted.

    Removal Steps
  6. Click Remove Plugin. This removes dependencies between Trillium Quality for Dynamics solutions, which allows them to be deleted. The output window displays progress messages. Click OK to dismiss the Completed message.

  7. Return to the Dynamics 365 window, select Settings > Solutions, select the Trillium_for_MSD solution, click Delete and click OK to confirm the deletion. (Do not delete the Trillium_MatchLink_For_MSD solution; that solution is deleted in a later step.)

    Note: If you have not deleted all Trillium libraries from forms and views, a Cannot Delete Component message displays. If details are available from CRM, click Details to see a list of the items that must be deleted prior to uninstalling. Click the form name in the message to display the form that has a dependency.

    It is also useful to go to Settings > Customizations > Customize the System > EntityName > Fields, select the field, and from the More Actions menu select Show Dependencies.

    Remember to delete Trillium fields from all forms and click Form Properties to delete the Trillium libraries from forms, and be sure to publish changes.

    For more information, see Checking Dependencies.

  8. After deleting the solution, click Publish All Customizations.

  9. On the Deployment Manager window’s Removal Steps tab, click Remove Reports and click Yes to confirm the deletion. This deletes the reports added during deployment.

  10. After the Removing Reports - Completed message displays, click Remove Trillium Roles and click Yes to confirm the deletion.

  11. After the Removing Roles - Completed message displays, click Remove Trillium Fields and click Yes to confirm the deletion. This deletes the Trillium fields from your database and from entities modified by the original Trillium Quality for Dynamics deployment. All data in Trillium fields will be lost.

    The output window displays the progress of Trillium field deletion.

  12. After the final Deleting Fields completed message displays, close the Deployment Manager.

  13. In Dynamics 365, select Settings > Solutions, select Trillium_MatchLink_For_MSD, click Delete and click OK to confirm the deletion.

  14. From the Start menu, select Trillium Software > Trillium Quality for Dynamicsn.n.n > Uninstall. Follow the Install Shield prompts to complete the uninstall process. This deletes the Deployment Manager and other Trillium Quality for Dynamics files on the installation machine.