To run Master Batch, you must create a configuration file to establish a connection to your Dynamics 365 instance.
To create a configuration file
Navigate to the directory apache-tomcat-8.n.nn\MasterBatch\crm\msd\bin and start the executable TSCrmMSD_StandardBatch_Manager.exe in Administrative mode.
Click OK to dismiss the warning about the missing Batch Config file.
Enter the connection parameters. Be sure to select the correct Host mode, generally Office 365 North America. For a detailed description of the options on this page, see the Trillium Quality for Dynamics User’s Guide.
If you are unsure of the organization names available, enter the Server Name and Login Information, then click Org List. A list of available organizations displays.
Click Test Login to confirm connectivity. (If an exception message displays, ensure that Windows Identity Foundation is installed.)
Click File > Save As and save the file to