As a best practice, you can regularly create a backup copy of the web resource XML file to ensure any customizations made to the file are not lost when you migrate between Microsoft Dynamics 365 environments or migrate to the latest version of Trillium Quality for Dynamics.
You can create a backup copy at any time. If a backup copy already exists, it will be overwritten. The backup file is named Backup.WebResource.Xml and added to the ...\TSCrmMSD\Deployment directory.
To back up the web resource XML file
On the machine from which you deployed Trillium Quality for Dynamics, launch the Deployment Manager from the Start menu (Trillium Software > Trillium Quality for Dynamics n.n.n. Right-click Deployment Manager and select Run as administrator). The Deployment Manager window opens.
Click the Utilities tab.
In the Trillium Configuration section, click Backup to Disk.
A message opens and prompts you to confirm the backup. Click OK.
A backup confirmation message opens showing where the backup file was created. Click OK to close the message.