Trillium’s TSI Web Server Administration allows you to perform various administrative tasks, such as selecting the Trillium project to be run, modifying the project location, countries, and web access keys, starting the project, and viewing a log of TSI activity.
To access TSI Web Server Administration
Open a browser window and navigate to:
where host:port is the host and port on which the Apache Tomcat web server is running; port 8484 is the default. The TrilliumSOAP URL is case sensitive. If Tomcat is running and the information you entered is correct, the log in page opens. If the web service is not running or the information is not correct, the message Navigation to the webpage was canceled displays.
Note: If you have previously logged in to TSI Web Server Administration and your session is still active, the Apache Welcome page will display rather than the Log in page. Click TrilliumTSI Web Server Administration to continue.Note: When using Internet Explorer 11, a security error may occur when attempting to open TSI Web Server Administration. In Internet Options > Security > Trusted Sites > Sites, deselect the Require Server Verification option, and add the SOAP Admin site address (http://host:port/TrilliumSOAP/trillium-admin-web/).If your browser does not properly display the web page, in IE select Tools > Compatibility View Settings and uncheck the Display intranet sites in Compatibility View option. -
Enter the user ID (default is tadmin) and password (default is trillium) and click Login. The Administration Home page opens.
You can change the login credentials in the properties file, located in your install directory in the ...\Trillium Software\MBSW\17\tsq\software\apache-tomcat-8.n.nn\conf
The Administration Home page contains three tabs:
The Environment tab, illustrated in figure Administration Home - Environment Tab, displays information about your Web Services processing environment. This information is useful for troubleshooting. Of particular importance is the setting Is TSI Dynamic Library Loaded?, which indicates whether paths to the TSI library files (libtsijni.dll on Windows) are correctly set. Access to these files allows Tomcat to communicate with the TSI layer.
Note: For information about TSI and Trillium Quality for Dynamics’ underlying technology, see About Trillium Applications.If your environment is not correctly configured, the following message opens: Configuration incomplete, couldn’t load Trillium TSI Dynamic Library.
To correct the problem, stop and restart Tomcat. If the problem persists, the most common causes are that Java 8 64-bit is not installed or is configured incorrectly, or that libtsijni.dll is not in the path.
If you cannot correct the configuration problem, contact Trillium Technical Support.
The Property Files tab, illustrated in figure Property Files Tab, displays the paths to the properties files. The property files for Master Batch and Leads Analysis are displayed if these options are enabled. See Processing Records in Master Batch and Configuring Leads Analysis for details.
project properties,
which contains the directory path to the current project. -
web access properties,, which contains the web access keys you have created.
MS Dynamics Master Batch,, which contains the Master Batch settings.
Leads Analysis,, which contains the Leads Analysis settings.
SOAP Admin properties,, which contains the login credentials for TSI Web Server Administration, as well as the project startup, cleanse count, and country support settings.
The Settings tab, illustrated in figure Settings Tab, allows you to set the following project options:
TSI Web Server Logging Level: Determines the level of logging messages (INFO, ERROR, or DEBUG) returned by SOAP calls that will be written to the TSI Web Log. DEBUG provides the most thorough logging. Additional logging levels can be set as described in Log Files.
Project Startup Behavior: Determines whether the current project will be started automatically when the Tomcat server is started. If you change projects (that is, remove the current project and add a new project) the newly selected project will be started instead. This setting will take effect when Tomcat is next started.
Max Megabytes Log File Display: Determines the maximum size of the log file to be displayed with the View TSI Web Log option, as described in Viewing the TSI Log. The most recent lines in the log file are displayed, up to the specified maximum size.
If the Cleanse Count option is enabled, the following option displays. See Viewing Cleanse Count for information on Cleanse Count.
Cleanse Country Count Field: Determines the text field that identifies the country to be counted. The default is DR_COUNTRY.
The following two options are for read-only users. You can create a user name and password with read-only access to the TSI Web Server Administration. Read-only users can login and view the TSI Web Server Administration. They can also refresh the project log (Project Configuration > CRM- Project Log) and the TSI Web log file (View TSI Web Log), but they cannot perform any administrative tasks such as modifying the project settings. Multiple users can login using the same user name and password at the same time.
Read-Only User Username: Login user name for a read-only user.
Read-Only User Password: Login password for a read-only user.
Click Save Settings to save changes. Your selections are written to the file.