Performing a Match - trillium_quality - Latest

Trillium Project Rule Analyzer

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Trillium > Trillium Quality
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Trillium Quality
Trillium Project Rule Analyzer
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With input data loaded or manually entered, a reference file loaded or created, a Window Key entered if applicable, and mapping files created if applicable, you are ready to perform a match to test your matching rules.

To match records

  1. Click Match. The matcher server will use your project’s matching rules to compare your input data with your reference data or with your candidate records. If matching records are found, they are displayed in the Matched Records pane.
    Note: By default, match comparisons are case sensitive. Toggle the Match Case option near the top-right of the window to disregard case when matching.

    By default, the Matching Records pane displays two tabs, the contents of which vary depending on whether you performed a Consumer or Business match.

    • For consumer matches, the Matched Level1 tab displays household level matches and the Matched Level2 tab displays individual level matches.
    • For business matches, the Matched Level1 tab displays company level matches and the Matched Level2 tab displays contact level matches.
  2. To drill into the details of match results, double-click in the grid in the Matched Records pane to view the Pattern Details.
    While reviewing your match results, you may find that records that should match are not being identified as matching. Two possible causes are:
    • Records are missing a sequence number or other attribute required for matching. Return to the Control Center and add the missing attributes.
    • Your project may have a Prevent rule that is causing records not to match. For example, a default Prevent rule causes records with identical sequence numbers not to be identified as a match. (This can occur if you use the same records for reference and input data.) Return to the Control Center and use the Relationship Linker Rules Editor to examine your comparison routines. Refer to the Control Center’s help system for information about using the Relationship Linker Rules Editor.