Testing with Free Form Data - trillium_quality - Latest

Trillium Project Rule Analyzer

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Trillium > Trillium Quality
Product name
Trillium Quality
Trillium Project Rule Analyzer
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You can perform a test of your project's cleansing rules by entering data in the CRA window.

Note: The Director and cleanser server must be running to perform a test.

To test with free form data

  1. In the Input Field Names text boxes, select the input data fields you want to test.
    Note: If using the sample initialization file, input and output field names and test data are already entered. Skip to Step 4.
  2. In the Input Data text boxes, enter your test data.
  3. In the Output Field Names text boxes, select the repository fields that will contain the cleansed output that you want to view. (All fields will be cleansed, but only the selected fields will be displayed.) For standard mode projects, all of the fields in the DDL of the first enabled process in this project are available through the drop-down lists. For Turbo mode projects, all of the fields in the last enabled process are available. (Refer to the User's Guide for a description of standard and turbo run modes.)
    Note: If you enter an Output Field Name that does not exist in the repository, a value of ‘DDL Field Not Found’ is returned. You can alter this message text with a parameter in the Trillium.cfg file, as described in the User's Guide.
  4. Click Cleanse Text. Cleansed results are displayed in the Output Data Result text boxes.

    You can clear the text boxes by clicking the Clear icon.

    To display the value contained in a specific repository field, select the field from the list in the Entire Repository Field List text box. The value contained in the repository is displayed in Current Value.