Investigate Using a Browser or Program Call - trillium_quality - Latest

Trillium Director System Manager

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Trillium > Trillium Quality
Product name
Trillium Quality
Trillium Director System Manager
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Detailed information about Director, Cleanser and Matcher servers is available through the Director System Manager’s Investigate option. You can also access this information through your browser or through a program call, without use of the Director System Manager. Depending on the type of server being investigated, available information includes the service name, operating system, current queue size, number of active requests, highest number of connections, configuration file information, input/output data descriptions, and so on.

To display Director, Cleanser or Matcher server information through a browser, in your browser’s address bar enter:


where host is your system’s IP address and port is the port on which the Director, Cleanser or Matcher is running. Note that the option is case-sensitive.

For example, assuming you are running the Director on your local machine through port 16000, entering:


will display information about the Director.

If the service is not running, the browser displays a message stating that the web page cannot be displayed.

Clicking the Cleanser or Matcher link in the Director’s information window, or entering a Cleanser or Matcher’s port number with the /Connectivity option, displays data specific to that Cleanser or Matcher.

Links within the displayed data allow you to drill down to view additional data, such as configuration files, settings files, and input/output data descriptions. You can also drill down using the following options.



Displayed information varies with server type, but contains information such as:

  • Service Name
  • Display Name
  • System Type (Windows or Linux)
  • Version
  • Path to the Trillium Quality bin directory
  • Director servers will include for each server:
    • Server Name
    • Process Id
    • Pool Size
    • Available
    • Connection Requests
    • Successful Connections
    • Releases
    • Failed Connections
    • Tracing
    • Suspended
    • Host
    • Port
  • Cleanser servers will report a count of cleanse requests
  • Matcher servers will report a count of match and matchCandidate requests.


Used with Cleanser and Matcher servers. Displays a list of steps which includes information such as:

  • Trillium process type (transformer, rellink, postal matcher, etc.)
  • Name
  • Whether the step is enabled
  • Trace file location
  • Settings file location
  • Log file location
  • Test field
  • Condition (value)
Note: The option is case-sensitive. Entering the option with an uppercase S results in a Not Found error.

/Connectivity/settings/step name

where step name is the name of the process step in the UCA

  • Step type
  • Input DDL
  • Output DDL
  • Settings


Returns the schema. These are in the schemas directory of the TS_QUALITY location. Due to security concerns, using the special directory name of .. will return a not found error.
/xslt/stylesheet Returns an XSL style sheet which is contained in the xslt directory of the TS_QUALITY location. Due to security concerns, using the special directory name of .. will return a not found error.

About the Stylesheet

The format of the web page displayed by the \Connectivity option is determined by the Connectivity.xsl stylesheet, which is installed in your Trillium Quality directory path, by default, Program Files\Trillium Software\MBSW\17\tsq\Software\xslt.

You can change the stylesheet to suit your needs. The default stylesheet is designed for use with Firefox browser.

Accessing Server Data Programmatically

Server information can also be accessed programmatically. The following examples illustrate using C# and Java to access server data.

C# Client Sample

using System.Net;
Uri uri = new Uri(uriString);
HttpWebRequest httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri);
HttpWebResponse response = httpRequest.GetResponse();
HttpStatusCode code = response.StatusCode;
System.IO.Stream rs = response.GetResponseStream();

Java Client Sample

URL url = new URL("http://hostname:1234/Connectvity");
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new

 You can also use the options described in the previous table to drill down to additional information programmatically.