Setting Up Hosts - trillium_quality - Latest

Trillium Director Guide

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Trillium Quality
Trillium Director Guide
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To create and control Director, cleanser, and matcher servers, you must first identify Director host machines. On subsequent startups, the Director System Manager reads the host list, stored in the hostandport.ini file in:

C:\Users\ user \AppData\Roaming\Data Quality\17\deployment

It searches the network to locate those hosts and populates the Director System Manager main window with current information on server activity.

To start or modify Director, cleanser, or matcher servers, you must have the necessary privileges on the appropriate hosts. For Windows hosts, security is controlled by your Windows system administrator and your access rights for running, creating and modifying services. For Linux hosts, you must have either a home directory or a Trillium user account on the host system.

Linux systems must have SSH (Secure Shell) installed. The Director System Manager uses SSH security technology to provide a secure connection to run and modify the privileged Director services. For more information on SSH, refer to Setting up SSH.

To identify hosts

  1. Open the Director System Manager (Start > All Programs > Trillium Software > TSS 17 > Director System Manager (64-bit)). If the Director System Manager is located on the same machine as the Control Center, you can open it by clicking the Control Center’s Advanced tab and selecting Tools > Director System Manager.

  2. If hosts have not yet been set up, the Setup window automatically opens, as shown in the figure below. If hosts have been previously set up, select File > Setup Hosts and Security to display the Setup window.

    The Host/Port List on the Hosts tab identifies all Director hosts that are currently being managed by this Director System Manager. The Services Found list identifies all Director, cleanser, and matcher servers that are currently running on all managed hosts.

    Figure 1. Set up Hosts and Security Set up Hosts and Security
  3. To add a host to the list, on the Hosts tab:

    1. Enter the machine name or IP address of a host on which the Trillium Director has been installed.

    2. Enter the port on which the Director listens for client requests. If you are unsure of the port, check the TRILLDIRPORT environment variable on the host machine.

    3. Click Add. The host is added to the Host/Port List in the left pane of the window. Click Search/Refresh to list all Director, cleanser, and matcher servers currently running on that host. Servers that are not running are not listed.

      Note: If you run network security scans, the ports used by the Director, Matcher and Cleanser servers must be removed from the security scans. Failure to do so may cause their processes to be terminated.
  4. To remove a host, select the host in the left pane and click Remove. The servers associated with that host will be automatically removed from the right pane. Note that the Remove button does not delete services on the host, it simply removes them from the hostandport.ini file. Refer to hostandport.ini for a description of the hostandport.ini file. Refer to Removing Services for information on deleting services.
  5. When you have finished adding or removing hosts, click OK, or, if you are setting up a Linux host, proceed to Step 6.

  6. If you are setting up a Linux host, you must log into the host using the Security tab of the Setup window. To set up a Linux host:
    1. Click the Security tab.

      Figure 2. Setting Up Secure Access on LinuxSetting Up Secure Access on Linux
    2. Select the connection type, either SSH, which is the default, or Telnet.
      Note: If you are connecting using SSH and SSH has not been set up on your user account, refer to Setting up SSH for more information.
    3. Enter the host name or IP address.

    4. Enter a user name (login ID) for this host.

    5. Enter and confirm your password (for a Telnet connection) or your passphrase (for an SSH connection). The default passphrase is madmin.

    6. For an SSH connection, enter the Private Key file you created when you built your SSH key. (Refer to Setting up SSH for information on setting up SSH.) The default Private Key files that you can use for testing are in the following directories:

      • Windows Server: C:\Program Files\Trillium Software\MBSW\17\tsq\default_keys

      • Client: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Trillium Software\17\default_keys 

    7. Enter a port to be used for the connection, or select Default to use the default port, which is port 22.

    8. Click Add. A network search runs to find the specified host and the host is added to the host list.

    9. Click Verify Host Connection.

    10. To add another host, click New and repeat the previous steps.

    11. When all connections are set up and tested, click OK.

Note: The Security tab permits access to Linux hosts for the sole purpose of performing secure Director functions. When you exit the Director System Manager, the settings in the Security tab are not saved.

Once hosts are configured, the Director System Manager displays statistics about the Director, cleanser, and matcher servers running on those host/port combinations. If a Director has not yet been created on this host/port combination or if the Director is not running, the Director System Manager displays a Director with a warning icon  indicating that the Director was not found.

The connection between hosts and the Director System Manager is subject to network related issues such as pauses and delays, unresponsive remote services, network traffic, power loss, or manual termination of a dependent process. If there is a network issue for a specific host and port, a warning icon displays next to the node in the left pane of the Director System Manager window. Right-click the warning icon to view the associated error.
Note: On Windows systems hosting Director components or clients, to improve processing speed set the following TCP/IP parameters:

TCPTimedWaitDelay REG_DWORD 30-seconds

MaxUserPort REG_DWORD 65534