Modifying Base Settings - trillium_quality - Latest

Trillium Director Guide

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Trillium > Trillium Quality
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Trillium Quality
Trillium Director Guide
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Base settings are the standard processing options for the Director. These settings will be reflected in the cleanser and matcher settings files.

To view or modify the base settings, right-click the Base Settings node at the top of the tree view and select Edit. The Select Standard Processing Options window opens, as shown in the figure below.

Figure 1. Modifying Base Settings Modifying Base Settings

You can set the following standard processing options:

  • UCA Trace option. The Universal Connectivity Adapter (UCA) is the underlying Trillium Quality technology used to provide cleansing services. Set the level of detail to be written into the UCA log file (DIRCleanser.log). You can also set the trace option for individual processes, as described in Setting Trace Options for Processes.

Note: Leave the Trace option set to None, which is the default, unless the server that will process requests from this project will use either the Minimum or Default processing level. Refer to Processing Levels for a description of processing levels.

Trace Option


All (A)

Turns on all of the available trace options.

XML parser detail (X)

Lists all tags and attributes found in the XML configuration file.

Step handler detail (S)

Lists process (Transformer, Postal Matcher, etc.) handler details, including requested traces, step name, settings file, and log file.

Process timers (T)

Turns on high-resolution timers (milliseconds) for entry and exit of underlying UCA Open, Process, Close, Setfield, and Getfield methods.

Repository dump (R)

Dumps contents of the data repository to the log file before the fields are cleared.


No trace information. This is the default.

  • Repository Mode. The repository is constructed from the data sent for cleansing or matching and the output DDLs from each process. Every unique field in every DDL becomes a repository entry. The options are:

    Repository Mode


    Standard (large)

    Fields are qualified with the process name, making each field name unique, which can easily inflate the repository and use large amounts of memory.


    The process-name qualification is not used, and therefore only one occurrence of a given field will exist. This can result in both a significant memory savings and less processing time to cycle through a much smaller field list. This is the default.

  • Run Mode and Repository Size. The Run mode determines the fields that are available from the repository. The options are:  

    Run Mode



    All fields in the DDL from all processes are available. This can slow processing speed, but it is useful in certain situations.

    Note: To use an updated version of a field as a test field in the Matcher XML, use Standard run mode to ensure that the value of the test field is available to the Matcher.


    Only fields in the output DDL of the last enabled process are available. To have access to a field, it must be carried forward through all process DDLs. Turbo mode can dramatically increase processing speed. This is the default.

    Repository Size

    Set the repository size to the number of DDL fields. If you receive collision counts in the log files, tune the size upward.

Click OK to close the Processing Options window and return to the Project Deployment Form.