Setting Up Your Project - trillium_quality - Latest

Trillium Director Guide

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Trillium Quality
Trillium Director Guide
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To create a real-time project, you begin much as you would when creating any Trillium Quality project. Consult the Control Center’s online help for detailed information about using the Control Center to create a project.

To create a Trillium Quality project to be used in real time

  1. If your real-time project will use a unique repository and/or data connection, log into the Repository Manager and create a repository and data connection to be used for your real time project.

  2. Log into the Control Center and create an entity to be used in your project.

  3. Create your project. (Refer to Sample Files for information on sample files that can be used to become familiar with project creation.)

    Name and Address Projects, Business Data Projects and Empty Projects can be used for either batch or real-time processing. Real Time (SAP) projects can be used for real-time processing only and is uniquely designed for use with the SAP application.

    Note: Name and Address, Business Data and Empty projects created prior to TSS v13 cannot be deployed to real time.

    Once you select the project type, Trillium Quality loads a template specific to that project type.

  4. Select the entities to be included in this project. When creating an SAP project that will include a matching flow, select a Reference Matcher Transaction entity and a Reference Matcher Master entity.

    Note: When used for real-time processing, Name and Address, Business Data and Empty projects can include only one input entity in the cleansing flow. Selecting multiple entities will display a message advising you that the project will not be suitable for real-time deployment. If the extra input entity will be an input to a Reference Matcher, and you will configure the project so the Reference Matcher will be the first process in your project, you can ignore this message.
  5. When prompted for parser inputs, note that for SAP projects the parser input fields correspond to fields established in the SAP application. (See SAP projects for Asian countries for parser inputs for Asian countries.)

    For Real-time (SAP) projects, use the following parser inputs:

    Mrmrs, Firstname, Middlename, Lastname



    Houseno, Streetaddress, Aptno



    Streetaddress3, Pobox Text, Pobox


    City, State, Postalcode


    Note: Refer to the Trillium for SAP Reference Guide for information on configuring your SAP environment.

    For SAP projects for Asian countries (China, Korea, Japan and Taiwan), use the following parser inputs:

    Lastname, Middlename, Firstname



    State, City, Streetaddress



  6. Continue creating, tuning and testing your project using the Control Center. Note the following:

    • You can include any Trillium Quality process within the project flow, but be aware that several processes are designed for use only in batch mode and, due to the transactional nature of real-time projects, cannot be deployed in a real-time environment. If your project includes any of the following processes, the process will be excluded when the project is deployed for use in real time:



      Business Rules


      Database Read/Write


      Decision Point

      Set Selection



      File Update

      User-defined Process



    • The default project templates for Name and Address and Business Data projects include a Relationship Linker process. When you deploy a project for real time, the deployment process automatically prepares the project to perform either a reference match or a window match, depending on how your client calls the matcher. For example, if you call the match() method, a window match is performed. If you call the matchCandidate() method, a reference match is performed.

    Note: If you add a Reference Matcher process to your project and you have not set the Include Window Matching option, only reference matching is performed.
    • The Matching service uses an attribute named MATCHER_USER_KEY to uniquely identify records during the match process. When you deploy a project for real time, the deployment process automatically creates this attribute in the output DDL of the Relationship Linker. The default length, 100, is generally large enough to hold a unique value for each record you will send to the matcher in one call, but you can increase the length if required. Do not delete, redefine, or use this attribute for any purpose other than its default use.

    • For optimal performance, the input schema of a process should be identical to the output schema of the previous process. If the schemas do not match, your project will run but performance will be slower. If you modify a process’ input schema, you should return to the previous process and make the same updates to its output schema.

    • Ensure that your schema includes all attributes that are expected by your connector project. For example, when creating an SAP project, the SAP project's transformer process expects POBOX and POBOX_TEXT fields in its input schema. If you supply an input schema without these fields and try to preview the project in postcard preview, an error message is displayed.

    To check for required fields, open the Customer Data Parser process, open the Options menu, and check the Parser input address line types, or examine the sample trilSAP.cfg file.

    • Input and output data file names and data content are ignored in a real-time environment.

    • If your project contains more than 200 steps or contains steps that require a large amount of detailed information (such as US Delivery Point Validation or Asian/Pacific postal validation), it may exceed a Windows process size limitation. Edit your Windows boot.ini file to include the /3Gb switch. Refer to the Microsoft support website for information on modifying the boot.ini file.

    • The GB and US Postal Matchers include options allowing you to obtain a list of potentially matching street names and/or street details. These options are available for real time projects only. Refer to the Control Center’s GB and US Postal Matcher help topics for information on these options.

  7. When the project is complete, on the Develop bar of the Control Center right-click the project and select Publish Project for Deployment. This extracts project information from the repository and lists the project on the Deploy bar. (You can remove the files by selecting Unpublish Project from Deployment on the Deploy bar.)

  8. Deploy the project to real time, as described in the following section.

Note: Deploying a project for real time requires use of the Batch Deployment Tool, which is an optional installation component. If the Batch Deployment Tool is not installed, you cannot deploy a real time project.