Trillium Quality for Dynamics Web Resource XML File - trillium_quality - 2.7

Trillium Quality for Dynamics Installation and Developer Guide

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Trillium > Trillium Quality
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Trillium Quality
Trillium Quality for Dynamics Installation and Developer Guide
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The Trillium Quality for Dynamics web resource XML file controls much of the functionality of Trillium Quality for Dynamics. The file contains two primary nodes:

  • The Servers node contains information about Trillium components, such as the Trillium web server name and port, the path to the SOAP endpoint, the project name, and any web keys that have been defined. Settings in this node apply to all requests accessing the Trillium web server.

  • The Entities node contains elements for the entities to be processed, including the contact, account, lead, and customer address entities. A sample custom entity template is also included to assist you with configuring custom entities, if desired. Settings in each entity node apply only to that entity.

You can customize certain features of Trillium Quality for Dynamics by modifying the Trillium Quality for Dynamics web resource XML file. You modify the file one of two ways:

  • In the Edit Configuration window available from the Deployment Manager (recommended) and described in this chapter.

  • Directly in the XML file. For example, you can add fields to be used when matching records (as described in Matching on Extension Fields), specify fields to be copied during an Auto Merge (as described in About Auto Merge), or specify field mapping for custom entities (as described on Configuring Custom Entities).