Viewing and Merging Duplicate Records - trillium_quality - 2.7

Trillium Quality for Dynamics Guide

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Trillium Quality for Dynamics Guide
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Trillium Quality for Dynamics can identify duplicate records in your database during real-time data entry or during a data import process, as described in this chapter, or through the Standard Batch Manager, as described in Processing Records in a Batch Request. When it finds matching records, it adds them to the TSS Match Display List. Using the TSS Match Display List, you can review matching records and, optionally, merge them. (If you do not have administrative privileges, you must be assigned the TSS Match Display security role to view the TSS Match Display window. To merge records, you must be assigned the TSS Merge role.)

If cross-entity matching is enabled and matching records are found across lead and contact entities, you can merge a lead record into a contact through the TSS Match Display List.

Note: To merge records in an automated process, without reviewing them individually, use an Auto Merge batch request, as described in Automatically Merging Matched Records.

To view and merge matching records manually

  1. Cleanse and match your data through real-time data entry, an import process, or a batch request.

  2. From Settings, select TSS Match Display List. All active records identified by Trillium Quality for Dynamics as potential duplicates are displayed.

    Note: The fields displayed in the TSS Match Display List are determined by settings in the Trillium Quality for Dynamics Web Resource XML file. See the Trillium Quality for Dynamics Installation and Developer’s Guide for information on changing these settings.
    TSS Match Display List
  3. Click a record in the list. The Duplicates window opens.

    When accessed from the TSS Match Display List, the driver record is the record clicked in the display list.

  4. Use the Duplicates window to identify a master record, identify fields to be merged, and click Merge, or click Exit Without Merging, as described in Merging Records. The master record, or the next active record in the Match Display List, is displayed.

  5. Use the Next Record and Previous Record arrows to continue viewing and merging records. If the Next/Previous record was merged, it cannot be displayed; click TSS Match Display List in CRM’s menu bar to return to the list of matches.