TS Web Service with TSI - WSDL - trillium_quality - 17.2

Trillium TS Web Services Developer Guide

Product type
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Trillium > Trillium Quality
Product name
Trillium Quality
Trillium TS Web Services Developer Guide
Topic type
How Do I
First publish date

The TS Web Service WSDL (Web Service Description Language) is an XML document that describes the TS Web Service. It is the “hand-shake” between your client and the TS Web Service, and defines the format of cleansing and matching requests and responses. The WSDL defines namespaces, types, endpoints and available operations.

The WSDL for TS Web Services defines the following operations and responses:

  • ActiveProjects - Returns the names of projects currently running on the specified host and port.

  • WebKeyStatistics - Returns information on activity of requests made using each defined user authentication key. See Creating Web Access Keys for information on web keys.

  • Ping - Returns the current date and time from the server. Ping verifies connectivity but does not perform any work using the underlying Trillium software.

  • CleanseUnicode - Sends one record to TSS for cleansing. The request includes the fields to be cleansed and the fields to be included in the response.

  • WindowMatchUnicode - Sends a set of records to TSS to be compared with each other to detect possible duplicate records (window matching). The request includes the records to be compared and the fields to be included in the response. All records are included in the response.

  • ReferenceMatchUnicode - Sends a set of records to TSS, the first one of which is compared with the others to detect possible duplicates (reference matching). The response includes two default fields for the matching records only.

  • CleanseInputFields - Returns all the input field names for cleansing. The method can be used to get all the input fields for CleanseUnicode to generate a request for a cleanse.

  • CleanseOutputFields - Returns all the output field names for cleansing. The method can be used to get all the output fields for CleanseUnicode to generate a request for a cleanse.

  • CleanseAllOutputFields - Returns all the output field names and values of last processed record after cleansing.

  • MatchInputFields - Returns all the input field names for matching. The method can be used to get all the input fields for WindowMatchUnicode or ReferenceMatchUnicode to generate a request for a match.

  • MatchOutputFields - Returns all the output field names for matching. The method can be used to get all the output fields for WindowMatchUnicode to generate a request for a match.

  • MatchAllOutputFields - Returns all the output field names and values of last processed record after matching.

To view the WSDL, using Tomcat’s host and port navigate to:


You can also display the WSDL from the Web Service Manager. On the Server Configuration tab, click Display Full Location URL Services and click the TrilliumSOAP link on the displayed page.