The country-specific Window Key Generator enables you to generate window keys using common output fields from the previous processes. In the case of the sample project provided, the fields being used are the PR fields from the Customer Data Parser and the DR fields from the Transformer Data Reconstruction.
There are five window keys defined within the project template, as described in the table below. These window keys are stored in a Trillium customized table in SAP called /TRILLIUM/ADRIDX.
Window Key |
Script |
Comprises elements from the postal code, last name or business name and street name. It is used mainly for street and PO Box address Duplicate Check but can also be used for Fuzzy/Rough Search, e.g., Trillium Software, 25 Linnell Cir, Billerica, MA, 01821 = 018TRLNN. |
Composite of elements from Business name 1 and 2. It is mainly used for Fuzzy/Rough Search but can also be used for Duplicate Check, e.g., TRLLHRT. |
Comprises elements from city name and street name. It is used mainly for Fuzzy/Rough Search but can also be used for Duplicate Check, e.g., LNNBLL. |
Composite of elements from postal code and street name. It is used mainly for Fuzzy/Rough Search but can also be used for Duplicate Check, e.g., 018LNN |
Comprises last name and first name. It is used mainly for Fuzzy/Rough Search but can also be used for Duplicate Check, e.g., John Smith = SMTHJ. |
Window keys are generated for each record for the Duplicate Check and the Fuzzy/Rough Search. They are referred to as Search Indexes in SAP; they are used in the matching process to retrieve records from the SAP database that contain the same Search Indexes.
Fields used for window key generation are mapped under [SAP<WINDOW_KEY>] for street addresses and [SAP<WINDOW_KEY1>] for PO Box addresses.