Five window keys are defined in the sample configuration (Table: Window Keys). They were developed based on best practices to handle partial data to initiate a search. You may include additional keys in the search or omit any existing window keys from the list to meet your business requirements.
Because these keys are developed based on partial data, they can result in a large volume of records being selected for processing. For example, if the name SMITH is entered and there are 200 customers in the database with the name SMITH, all 200 records will be retrieved for processing.
To make search results more manageable, you can configure your Fuzzy Search window to require certain fields and/or utilize the AFTER_WINDOW_KEY_GENERATION user exit to include logic that only allows a certain number of records (for example, 50) to be retrieved for processing. See Chapter 9 for further details on how to create user exits.
After the records have been filtered, they are passed to the Matcher server for processing. The Matcher business rules for Fuzzy/Rough Search are set in the following files:
bus1fld001.stx - Business and Consumer Level 1 fields for linking
bus1pat001.stx - Business and Consumer Level 1 patterns for linking
The Window Key Generator will behave as follows:
If any input field used to generate a window key is blank, blank out the window key.
If the resulting string of any input fields is blank, blank out the window key. For example, if street_name is "A" and the window key rule says to build using first three consonants of street_name, then the window key will be blank.
You should review the Assign Probabilities to Match Patterns IMG activity if you make changes to these setting files (see Assign Probabilities to Match Patterns).
Like the Duplicate Check, the Global Relationship Linker for Fuzzy/Rough Search is its own separate process from the Cleanser server; therefore, the fields specified in the rellinkDDL are unique to the Matcher server. The Matcher server does not use any output fields from the Cleanser processes. However, you may include additional fields in the Matcher DDL as long as they are defined in the customized Trillium SAP structure called/TRILLIUM/SEARCH_FIELDS.
These fields are mapped under the [SAP<REF_MATCH>] SAP Connector Component in the TrilSAP.cfg file.