Field Mapping Sections - trillium_quality - 17.2

Trillium Quality for SAP Reference Guide

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Trillium Quality
Trillium Quality for SAP Reference Guide
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The Field Mapping section of the configuration file is divided into two subsections:

  • [SAP<HOST{Number}>]

  • [SAP<Connector Component Root{Address Type}{_Country}]

You can modify these parameters with the Project Deployment Manager or you can do it manually as described below.

[SAP<HOST>] Section

The TS Connector uses dynamic structures for data transfer between SAP and the Connector. These structures are retrieved during the first user’s first transaction. To avoid delays, SAP RFC Server user parameters are set to retrieve these structures at the start of the TrilliumSAPNW64. The format is as follows:

SAP Application Host {Setting Number}

Valid RFC Server User authorization parameters are described in the table below.

Table 1. RFC Server User Authorization Parameters


Used For


Unique SAP application system name, e.g., C5W.

Note: This DEST is not the same as the one in SM59.

For example:


You can also configure multiple users for multiple SAP application customized clients. For example:



Note: In addition to these parameters, you must have an RFC Service User with the appropriate authorizations (see SAP Users) and a configured SAPNWRFC.INI file (see The SAPNWRFC.INI File).

[SAP<Connector Component Root>] Section

This section of the configuration file defines the mapping of SAP fields to TS  Connector fields. The Connector Component Designator is constructed using the connector component root, address type and SAP country fields. It is formatted as follows:

Connector Component Root Name{Address Type}{_Country}

The parameters are described in the table below and some examples of valid component designations are described in Table: Examples of Connector Component Designators

Table 2. Connector Component Designator Parameters



Root Name



    MAIN_ADDR = Real-time address enrichment

  BATCH_ADDR = Quarterly update address enrichment

 WINDOW_KEY = Window key generation (real-time and                              quarterly update)

     REF_MATCH = Real-time de-duplication and error tolerant                              search

BATCH_MATCH = Background/batch de-duplication.

Address Type

0 or blank  =  Connector Component Designator section specifies mapping rules for the street address elements of the address.

1 =  Connector Component Designator section specifies mapping rules for the PO box elements of the address.


Optional. Can be any valid SAP country. When mapping data, the Connector first attempts to use the rules for a specific country. If it cannot locate country-specific mapping rules, it uses the default rules.


Table 3. Examples of Connector Component Designators


Used for


Default street address mapping rules for real-time address enrichment. For example, [SAP <MAIN_ADDR>].


Default P.O. Box mapping rules for real-time address enrichment. For example, [SAP <MAIN_ADDR1>].


US-specific P.O. Box address mapping rules for real-time address enrichment. For example, [SAP <MAIN_ADDR1_US>].

The Object Type  static parameter can optionally be coded in the [SAP<Connector Component Designator>] section of the Trillium for SAP Configuration file. The Object Type parameter specifies a valid object type for this connector component. The Object Type value is user-defined. It points to the set of update rules for the connector component. Therefore, it must point to a matching [Object Type] section in the configuration file.

Note: The Object Type parameter is not required for Window Linking.

The remaining parameters in this section are used to define the mapping of SAP fields to TS Connector fields. The format is as follows:

TrilliumFieldName = SAPFieldName

TrilliumFieldName is any valid field name allowed in a TS Connector schema. These names are used to map the SAP data into the schemas used by the TS Transformer, Customer Data Parser and Matcher. SAPFieldName is any valid SAP field name that is defined in the structure passed to the connector for the specific connector component.

The table below describes the appropriate structure for each component.

Table 4. Connector Component to SAP Structure

Connector Component

SAP Structure



















House No            =     House_num1
StreetAddress       =     Street
AptNo               =  House_num2
City               =  City1
State            =  Region
PostalCode    =  Post_code1
Country       =  Country
ObjectType    =  SAPAddress


[Object Type] Section

The parameters in this section are used to define the mapping of the TSS  cleansed data to SAP fields; that is, how the SAP data is updated with the results of the Trillium Quality processing. The format is as follows:

SAPFieldName = TrilliumKeyWord

SAPFieldName is any valid SAP field name that is defined in the structure passed to the connector for the specific connector component.  TrilliumKeyWord defines the cleansed TSS source fields that are used to update the SAP data. The data may be extracted from the following sources:

  • Transformer data

  • Customer Data Parser repository

  • Postal Matcher buffer

  • Transformer Data Reconstuction data

  • Window Key data

  • Original data


House_num1          = dr_house_number1
Street          = dr_street_name
House_num2     = dr_house_number2
City1          = dr_city_name
Region         = dr_region_name
Post_code1     = dr_postal_code