System Application Log - trillium_quality - 17.2

Trillium Quality for SAP Reference Guide

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Trillium Quality
Trillium Quality for SAP Reference Guide
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If you override the postal validated data and save a record with a known error, the TS Connector writes this event into the SAP application log as an audit trail.

There are two main event types:

  • Address was successfully checked but the cleansed data was manually overridden. For example, you might use a vanity city name instead of the valid city name.

  • Invalid address accepted with known errors. For example, you might accept the new values that have been processed by Trillium of an address with an invalid house number because it is a new house number which the postal service has not yet included in the GAV table listing.

The system application log consists of the date and time the record was saved, the user who saved it, its log number, the transaction that created the record, the record number, the event type and the override data.

To view the application log for a record saved with known errors

  1. Go to the system application log via the transaction /nSLG1.

    The Analyze Application Log window opens.

  2. Enter the required selection values and click .  (See Table: System Application Log Selection Fields for a description of the selection fields.)

    The Display Logs window opens, listing records that have been saved with known errors (Figure: Figure 2).


    Figure 1. Analyze Application Log Selection Screen Analyze Application Log Selection Screen
    Table 1. System Application Log Selection Fields

    Field name





    Required. Trillium Application Logs object.



    Required. Address Checking Exceptions sub-object.

    From (date/time)

    Date and Time

    From date and time of the period in which the logged event occurred.

    To (date/time)

    Date and Time

    To date and time of the period in which the logged event occurred.


    User name or the wild card (*)

    Name of the user who caused the logged event.

    Transaction Code

    Transaction code or the wild card (*)

    Name of the transaction which caused the logged event.

    Figure 2. System Application Log with Trillium Display Screen System Application Log with Trillium Display Screen
  3. Expand the record you want to review and double-click on the entry Problem class important.  

    The window display is updated to show the message text associated with the selected record. (See Figures Figure 3 and Figure 4 for examples.) Table: Table 2 describes the log designators.

    Figure 3. Address Successfully Checked, Manually Overridden Address Successfully Checked, Manually Overridden
    Figure 4. Address Accepted with Known Errors Address Accepted with Known Errors
    Table 2. System Application Log Designator and Description


    Used for


    The date and time when the event was logged and the user who caused the log entry.

    External ID

    Address number of the record created.


    The mode in which the event was logged.

    Log number

    The unique log number generated by the Trillium Application Log Object for each event logged.

    Type (icon)

    A message type icon that indicates the seriousness of a message.

    Stop: (A) Cancel

    Red: (E) Error

    Yellow: (W) Warning

    Green: (I/S) Information/success message

    Message text

    Formatted message text.


  4. Click to view the override data.

Figure 5. Display Logs — Overridden Data Display Logs — Overridden Data