Creating a Mapping Definition for an External Data Source - trillium_quality - 17.2

Trillium Quality for SAP Reference Guide

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Trillium Quality for SAP Reference Guide
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To use an external file for your source data, you must first map the fields in the file to the Trillium structure fields (/TRILLIUM/MDLOGL), known as Target field. (If your source data is in an SAP database, see Creating a Mapping Definition for an SAP Database.)

Create or change a mapping definition for an external source by either:

  • In the Trillium Master Data Inquiry window:
    1. Select the External Data Source tab.

      Figure 1. External Data Source Tab External Data Source Tab
    2. Select App. Server if the file is located on an Application Server; select local if the file is located on your local desktop.

    3. For the Absolute file path, enter the path and name of the file to be used as the data source.

    4. In Field Mapping, click .


  • Run the transaction /n/trillium/mdt, click on Master Data Inquiry and click on Customizing.

    The Define File System Mapping window opens.

    Figure 2. Define File System Mapping Define File System Mapping
    Note: Mapping Definition is a user-defined name and is not necessarily the standard SAP name.
  1. Do one of the following:

    • To create a new mapping definition, in the left pane select Define File System Mapping and click . A blank New Entries window opens. Continue with Step 2.

    • To change an existing mapping definition, in the left pane select Define File System Mapping, in the right pane select the existing mapping definition to be changed, and, in the left pane under Define File System Mapping, click Field Assignment. The Field Assignment window opens, showing the current field mapping. Skip to Step 6.

  2. In the New Entries window, enter a name for the Mapping Definition.

    Figure 3. New Entries New Entries
  3. Enter a Description for this mapping.

  4. Indicate how the records are delimited in the source file:

    • Select Fixed Rec. Length if the records are defined by a fixed length.

    • Click to select a Separator if the records are delimited by  separator. To use a separator other than the default options, select Other and enter the separator character in the Other field.

  5. In the left pane of the Define File System Mapping window, under Define File System Mapping, click Field Assignment. The Field Assignment window opens.

    Figure 4. Field Assignment - External File Field Assignment - External File
  6. In the Field Assignment window, define either the position and the length of a particular field (if the record has a fixed length) or the field sequence (if the records are separated by a specific character). The following fields are required and must be mapped:

    Target Field Name



    Identifier of the record (e.g., PARTNER Number of the business partner). The identifier could be used in a BADI to identify the record. If an OBJ_ID is not specified, one will be created when you run the report.


    Name or description of the record. This field is used in the log viewer as name.


    Additional name or description of the record.

  7. When field mapping is completed, click  to return to the Trillium Master Data Inquiry window.

  8. (Optional) In the Trillium Master Data Inquiry window, on the External Data Source tab, click  to validate the field mapping definition. A list view displays the result of the mapping.