When you activate index pools BUT000/PARTNER and BUT052/ADDRNUMBER at the same time, two duplicate checks are executed when creating a contact person that is associated with a company address. The first duplicate check is for the Contact Person with their personal address (type 2). The second duplicate check is for the Contact Person with their associated company address (type 3). If a Contact Person has no personal address, running both of these duplicate checks may not be necessary. In addition, two sets of window keys are saved in the duplicate check index table to support these searches.
To avoid saving two sets of window keys and to improve the performance of the duplicate check, you can deactivate the duplicate check for Business Partners without an address (type 2).
To deactivate the duplicate check without an address
In the IMG (transaction SPRO) navigate to the Activate address management with Trillium node.
Figure 1. Deactivate Duplicate Check for Address Type 2Clear the "Srch Dupl" and "Upd Indx" checkboxes for the country code "**".
Figure 2. Turn Off Srch Dupl and Upd Indx
Country code "**" controls the processing for Business Partners that do not have an address. Note that with these checkboxes cleared, you cannot perform duplicate checks or fuzzy searches for Contact Persons that do not have an address.