Index Initialization (Window Key Generation) - trillium_quality - 17.2

Trillium Quality for SAP Reference Guide

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Trillium Quality
Trillium Quality for SAP Reference Guide
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The /TRILLIUM/RSADRINI report is developed by Trillium Quality to create indexes for existing addresses in an SAP database and is then stored in the/TRILLIUM/ADRIDX table. The indexes are stored by address number, application table, application field, and window key ID.

During this process, the addresses are validated and standardized for search index generation. However, only the search indexes are saved to the database.

The figure below illustrates a typical search index table.  

To initialize the search indexes

  1. Call the /TRILLIUM/RSADRINI program by either:

    • Using transaction /nSA38 – ABAP Editor 

    • Selecting ABAP Editor from the SAP Tools menu (Tools > ABAP workbench > Development > ABAP Editor)

    The Report Calling window opens.

    Figure 1. Report Calling Window (Transaction /nSA38) Report Calling Window (Transaction /nSA38)
  2. Enter the program name /TRILLIUM/RSADRINI in the Program field and click to run the program.

    The Report Selection window opens.

    Figure 2.  /TRILLIUM/RSADRINI Report Selection Window  /TRILLIUM/RSADRINI Report Selection Window
  3. Enter the required values, as described in the table below.

    Table 1. /TRILLIUM/RSADRINI ReportSelection Window Parameters




    Index pool table name


    Application table logical name (address management). REQUIRED.

    Index pool field name


    Application table address where-used list logical field name. REQUIRED.

    Country key


    Countries for which Initialization needs to be executed. An asterisk (*) indicates that this program needs to be run for all countries.

    Include partners with no address (only used with Business Partners)


    Default is checked. Check the selection to include the partners without addresses.

    Package size


    Number of addresses that are read from the address master and saved at any time. The package size should only be reduced if there are issues with the working memory during the process. Optional

    RFC retry count


    Number of RFC calls to Trillium retries to avoid temporary network errors.

    Wait time between retries


    Time in seconds between RFC retries after an error.

    Commit after each package


    Default is checked. Check the selection to commit after each package.

    Produce detail listing


    Default is unchecked. Check the selection to run the report to produce detail listing.

    Test mode (no updates)


    Default is Test Mode. Uncheck the selection to run and update the database table with created indexes.

    Parallel processing


    Default is unchecked. Check the selection to allow the program to run in parallel mode. For more information, see Optimizing the Performance of the RSADRINI Report.

    Server group


    Server group for parallel processing.

    No of parallel threads


    Number of resources available for parallel processing.

  4. Submit the report online by clicking or submit it as a background job by selecting Program > Execute in Background.

    After the report is processed, a summary of the process is presented (figure below). The Table: Table 2 describes the fields in the report.

    Figure 3. /TRILLIUM/RSADRINI Report Statistics /TRILLIUM/RSADRINI Report Statistics
    Table 2. /TRILLIUM/RSADRINI Statistics Report



    Number of addresses with inactive countries

    Number of address records that contain a country code that is not flagged for checking. See the configuration settings in the /TRILLIUM/CNTRY table. These records are not written back to the database.

    Number of addresses with errors

    Number of address records in which Trillium Quality encountered a condition type of ‘E’ while attempting to check the record. These records will not be written back to the database.

    Number of addresses to be indexed

    Number of address records that did not encounter any errors during processing and therefore have had indexes created as a result of the process. Updated to the /TRILLIUM/ADRIDX database table.

    Number of addresses excluded by country filter

    Number of addresses that were excluded because of the country filter criteria.

    Total number of addresses processed

    Total number of address records selected for processing with and without errors.

    Number of index rows to be updated

    Total number of index rows created for all address records processed with no errors.


  5. If you selected the Produce Detail Listing option on the report selection window (Figure: Figure 2), click  twice to view the detail listing.

The figure below shows a sample detail listing, and Table: Table 3 describes the columns that appear in the report.

Figure 4. /TRILLIUM/RSADRINI Report Listing /TRILLIUM/RSADRINI Report Listing



Address number

Internal key that identifies a Business Address Services address.

Person number

Internal key that identifies a person in Business Address Services.

Address Type

Address type; either 1=Organization, 2=Person, or3=Contact person.


Date validated from.

Address version

International address version ID.

Business partner

A unique (within a client) key that identifies a business partner.


An alphanumeric key that clearly identifies the customer.

Contact person

Number that uniquely identifies the contact perso.n


Alphanumeric key that uniquely identifies the vendor or creditor in the SAP system.


Key that uniquely identifies a plant.

Application table

Application table logical name (address management).

Application table field

Application table address where-used lists logical field names.


Window Key ID assigned to the window keys generated via TrilSAP.cfg.

Window Key

Window key value based on the business rules configured in the settings file.

Note: The report layout can be changed and saved as a variant. Click  to make changes.