This section contains the procedure for implementing the component BP_ADDR.
To implement BP_ADDR
- Use the BSP WD Workbench to enhance the component BP_ADDR and customize the Address decision pop-up window.
Start transaction BSP_WD_CMPWB.
Enter component BP_ADDR and the name of your enhancement set from view BSPWDV_EHSET_ASG.
Click Display.
Open the Views node and click node BP_ADDR/AddrDecision.
Figure 1. Enhance Component BP_ADDR
- Figure 2. Context Node Folder
Enter name NEWADDRESS and click Continue.
Figure 3. NEWADDRESSClick Add ABAP dictionary types .
Enter DDIC Structure /TRILLIUM/ADRC_STRUC and click Enter.
Click Select all and then click Continue.
Figure 4. Add Dictionary TypesRepeat Step 2 through Step 6, creating a second context node named ORIGADDRESS. This context node will have all of the same attributes as NEWADDRESS.
Double click on the view controller implementation class Z*_IMPL. This will bring you to the Class Builder.
Figure 5. Class BuilderSwitch to change mode . Locate the method DO_PREPARE_OUTPUT.
Click once on the method name and click the Redefine button .The color of the method name changes from blue to black to indicate that it has been redefined.
Click the Code button to edit the ABAP code.
In a separate session, start transaction SE24 and display class/TRILLIUM/_ADDRDECISION_IMPL.
Replace all of the code in your method DO_PREPARE_OUTPUT with the code from class /TRILLIUM/_ADDRDECISION_IMPL method DO_PREPARE_OUTPUT. Be sure to save and activate your method.
Perform Step 8 through Step 13 again for method EH_ONACCEPT.
Perform Step 8 through Step 13 again for method DO_HANDLE_EVENT.
In your view controller implementation class Z*_IMPL, create a new method named EH_ONACCEPTORIG. Copy the code from class/TRILLIUM/_ADDRDECISION_IMPL as above.
Copy the imported view configuration from the /TRILLIUM/ role configuration key to the role configuration key that is assigned to your business roles. Follow the instructions on page 82, Step 3, for Enhancement Level 1.
Re-start the BSP WD Workbench (transaction BSP_WD_CMPWB) by navigating to Views>BP_ADDR/AddrDecision and double clicking the view name. The view structure opens.
Figure 6. View StructureClick the Configuration tab to customize the view layout. You may be required to login again at this point.
Figure 7. Configuration TabClick Choose Configuration and select the entry with your role configuration key. This will display the newly copied view configuration.
Figure 8. New Configuration DisplayedUse the view configuration tool to add the desired fields to the view. Trillium suggests that you configure a 16 column / 2 panel view, similar to the figure below.
Figure 9. Add Fields to the ViewSwitch to change mode and click Show Available Fields to begin adding fields from the context nodes ORIGADDRESS and NEWADDRESS to the view layout.
Use the Add Caption function to put the labels Original Address and Corrected Address into the view layout.
Figure 10. Add CaptionsOptionally, for CRM 7.0 Ehp1, Ehp2, Ehp3 and Ehp4, remove the message text from the address check pop-up view configuration for roles other than the IC WebClient role.